FIFA 23 TOTS Swaps: All Rewards

The Team of the Season in FIFA 23 has started! Not only do we get the best players of the current season, but also a TOTS swaps event on top. With our tracker you always stay up to date, additionally we show you the best swaps rewards.

FIFA 23 TOTS Swaps
FIFA 23: The TOTS swaps rewards have it all! | © EG / EA

TOTS time is the coolest time in FIFA. There are great cards in the packs for several weeks. There are also good objectives, such as the TOTS Moments. Furthermore you can start the swaps grind in the coming days. And that's exactly what this article is about.

If you want to have a look at the different TOTS, be sure to check out our TOTS Leagues and Release Date article. Some TOTS we can also give our own vote: TOTS votes in FIFA 23.


TOTS Swaps In FIFA 23

EA has changed the season rewards for the first time in FIFA 23. Matching the Team of the season you can earn XP by certain Objectives and exchange them for rewards in the season pass. And the rewards are really something: Besides the usual packs and cosmetics for your club, you have several options to choose from.

Among other things, you can acquire five fantastic players, which we will discuss in more detail later. But if you'd rather gamble and draw one of the fierce TOTS cards, you can grab the fodder packs.

The FIFA 23 TOTS swaps are available until June 8.

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FIFA 23 TOTS Swaps: How It Works

At the beginning of the new season you only have two objectives to complete. That looks unusual at first. First there are the "normal" daily tasks that you could complete every day before. What is new now is that there are specific daily tasks for each TOTS. Currently, these tasks revolve around the Community TOTS.

Every day there is a new objective that unlocks 1250 XP for the season pass. 1250 XP is a lot, so it's worth to look into FIFA every day and complete the tasks. In this case, you get XP for completing various SBCs, such as Marquee Matchups. The tasks are available for one week - until the next Team of the Season is released.

TOTS Swaps Rewards: The Rewards Overview

The rewards are surprisingly good, you have done well EA. But why are they just starting now? This system is so cool and tempts you to gamble on packs because the rewards are simply worth it. Above all, the six players Payet, Reyna, Caicedo, Rooney and Desailly are tempting rewards.



140010x 1000 Coins Boost
21.200Draft Token
32.300Gold Pack (untradeable)
43.400Stadium Theme "Lightning"
54.700TOTS Moments Reyna or 5x 85+ Player Pack
66.000"Power up" Badge
77.300Premium Gold Pack


10.600Small Prime Gold Player Pack
1012.600TOTS Moments Payet or 10x 85+ Player Pack
1115.10080+ Rare Gold Player
1217.600Badge "Focused Energy"
1320.600Two Rare Gold Players Pack (81+)
1526.600TOTS Moments Caicedo or 15x 83+ Player Pack
1629.600Badge "Spark"
1732.6002x 83+ Player Pack
1939.6002x 83+ Player Pack
2043.600FUT Birthday Desailly or 25+ 84+ Player Pack or 1 of 3 EFIGS TOTS Player Pick
2148.6003x 83+ Player Pack
2252.600Badge "Supercharged"
2357.6003x 83+ Player Pack
2566.600Flashback Jesús Navas or 5x 85 Player Pack
2671.6002x 84+ Player Pack
2776.600Tifo Lightning (animated)
2883.600Mega Pack (untradeable)
2991.600Rare Mega Pack (untradeable)
30100.600FUT Birthday Rooney or 30x 84+ Player Pack or 1 of 5 90+ PL/LaLiga/Ligue 1 TOTS Player Pick

It's not so easy to give you a recommendation here about which options you should choose at level 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30. In principle, we think that you should always take the "safe" player, i.e. the TOTS Moments cards, the FUT Birthday cards and the Flashback card.

These are all players that can strengthen your team in some way. If that's not the case, then the fodder packs are the best option here. Maybe you'll pull a badass TOTS card out of these packs too, who knows.


Jonas Sohns

Content Creator for Sports Games & FIFA. Jonas studied sports journalism in Munich and has been working for EarlyGame since 2021. His favorite games are FIFA, Madden NFL and Formula 1....