Shapeshifters Season Pass In FIFA 23: All Rewards And Our Recommendations For Season 7

The Shapeshifter event casts its shadow on Season 7 in FIFA 23. In FUT, you can already start earning experience points for the season pass. We will show you all the rewards and provide our selection recommendations.

FUT 23 Shapeshifters
FIFA 23: The Shapeshifters season is open . | © EarlyGame / EA Sports

The TOTS event is nearing its end. The Ultimate TOTS and the ROW TOTS are still running until Friday, June 16th.

The TOTS Swaps Season Pass is already history. However, it seems that EA Sports is keeping a similar system for collecting experience points (XP). The initial published tasks suggest that we can earn experience points not only through daily and weekly Objectives, but also through Objective players that provide additional XP for us. This also applies to certain friendly match modes.

Therefore, it is conceivable that we will soon be able to generate XP through the occasional SBC as well.


Unlike the TOTS Swaps season, the seventh season is all about the Shapeshifters in FIFA 23.

Shapeshifters Season In FIFA 23

The Shapeshifters event in FUT is unpredictable. At the end of FIFA 22, it brought us some wild position changes and even significant upgrades for many players. It can happen that a centerback transforms into a wonder striker and a goalscorer becomes a defensive monster. The Shapeshifters event will once again provide us with original position modifications and enormous stat boosts this year.

In the new season pass, you will find the best examples of Shapeshifters promo cards. The new version of defensive leader Thiago Silva stands out mainly because he suddenly becomes a striker and comes with noticeably improved pace and shooting stats. Toni Kroos has also significantly increased his pace.

We'll show you the rewards each level offers and provide our selection recommendations.

Shapeshifters Season Pass: All Rewards And Recommendations

You can tell by the rewards of the seventh season pass that we are slowly approaching the end of FIFA 23, as there are some decent packs available. A novelty is that the season pass now includes a total of 40 levels instead of the usual 30.

The coolest new feature: You only need 1000 XP for each level. The catch is that the tasks currently only provide a few XP (mostly 125).

Since you sometimes have the dilemma of choosing between two options, we'll also give you a recommendation on which alternative you should choose ✅ or which one you should avoid ❌. Now let's move on to an overview of all levels, their rewards, and our assessment:


LEVEL XP REWARD (Option 1) REWARD (Option 2) REWARD (Option 3)
1 1.000 Stadium Theme "Multicolor"
2 2.000 A Rare Gold Player Pack 75+ (Untradeable)
3 3.000 Badge "Sports Unite"
4 4.000 83+ Double Player Pack
5 5.000 5x 84+ Player Pack ✅ TOTS Player Pack ❌
6 6.000 Tifo "Sports Unite"
7 7.000 An 83+ Rare Gold Player Pack
8 8.000 Tifo "Sports Unite - Black/Blue"
9 9.000</.3x 83+ Player Pack
1010.000Shapeshifters Thiago Silva ❌ (✅ for Next-Gen gamer on Lenghty)

10x 85+ Player Pack ✅

1111.000Badge "Sports Unite Mix"
1212.0002x 81+ Rare Gold Player Pack
1313.000Tifo "Sports Unite Blue/Red"
1414.0002x 86+ Player Pack

7x 84+ Player Pack ❌

Shapeshifters Player Pack ✅
1616.000Blend Tifo "Sports Unite Mix"
1717.0002x 85+ Player Pack
1818.000Badge "Sports Unite Blue/Red"
1919.000One 84+ Rare Gold Player Pack

FUT Fantasy Hero Ji Sung Park ❌

25x 84+ Player Pack ✅
2121.000Tifo "Sports Unite - Multicolor 1"
2222.0002x 81+ Rare Gold Player Pack
2323.000Tifo "Sports Unite Multicolor 2"

2x 86+ Player Pack

2525.0005x 85+ Player Pack
2626.000Badge "Sports Unite Multicolor 3"
2727.0002x 81+ Rare Gold Player Pack
2828.00010x 82+ Rare Gold Player Pack
2929.000Tifo "Sports Unite Multicolor 3"
3030.000Shapeshifters Kroos ✅ (for your La Liga/Real Madrid/Germany team)

30x 84+ Player Pack ✅

3131.0002x 85+ Player Pack
3232.000One 83+ Rare Player Pack
3333.000Tifo "Sports Unite Gold"
3434.0001 of 3 Rare 85+ Gold Player Choice

10x 85+ Player Pack ❌

1 of 3 Ultimate TOTS Player Pick✅
3636.000Tifo "Multicolor" (Animated)
3737.0003x 84+ Player Pack
3838.0005x 85+ Player Pack
3939.0002x 86+ Player Pack
4040.000Trophy Titan Icon Del Piero (95 OVR) ❌25x 85+ Player Pack ✅1 of 4 90+ Prime/TOTY/FUT Birthday/ Trophy Titan Icon Player Pick ❌

Of course, our recommendations are not universally applicable. It always depends on whether you require fodder, are looking for the right player for your team, or just feel like gambling.


Regardless of what you decide in the end, we hope you have a lot of fun in the final stages of FIFA 23.

If you're already looking forward to the new season, here are all the leaks to get you even more hyped: EA Sports FC: All Leaks about the new FIFA 24

Thomas Dummer

It all started with Tekken on the PlayStation 1. I was four years old and was given a controller by my older siblings. I've played many games of all genres over the years. My girlfriend sometimes has to snatch the...