Fortnite: Best Halloween Skins 2023

Do you love Fortnite and Halloween? Then you've come to the right place, because we have the best Halloween Fortnite skins ever for you!

Fortnite best Halloween Skins
The best Halloween skins from Fortnite! | © Epic Games

Halloween time in Fortnite is upon us - and you know what that means: Fortnite: Nightmares! So far, Epic Games has come up with something special for Halloween every year, from simple decorations on the map to creepy zombies that even gave you the odd jumpscare.

Mostly, the event came with some cool challenges, rewards, and of course, unique creepy skins. Among them was the all-time favorite and OG skin Skull Trooper. But let's take a closer look at the favorites...

Fortnite: The Best Halloween Skins Of All Time

10. Deadeye

Fortnite Deadeye
Deadeye. | © Epic Games

Deadeye proves to us that bounty hunting is possible even after death. Let's hope he doesn't put us on his list like we put him on ours.


9. Arachne

Fortnite Arachne
Arachne. | © Epic Games

Be careful not to get caught in their net. Because once caught, there may be no escape.

8. Grimoire

Fortnite Grimoire
Grimoire. | © Epic Games

Named after a textbook of magic, Grimoire acts like a reaper from the future in cyberpunk clothes. The black paint around her eyes and mouth gives her a ghostly expression.

7. Wrath

Fortnite Wrath
Wrath. | © Epic Games

Wrath, the overseer of the underworld and thus probably a kind of leader of the skins on our list. He is based on Greek myths and has four different styles, all of which are not to be trifled with.


6. Catrina

Catrina Fortnite
Catrina. | © Epic Games

Catrina is a beauty to be feared. With her graceful figure she casts a spell on you, but afterwards she decides whether you will find your way to heaven or hell.

5. Hemlock

Fortnite Hemlock
Hemlock. | © Epic Games

Nice appearances are deceptive. If you annoy Hemlock, she will show her true appearance and that is not to be trifled with.

4. Shadow Midas

Shadow Midas
Shadow Midas. | © Epic Games

Midas will forever remain one of our favorite Fortnite characters. And even though he now has several variants in the game, this shadow version is one of the best of him! The white hair and purple aura suit him especially well.

3. Ghoul Trooper

Fortnite Ghoul Trooper
Ghoul Trooper. | © Epic Games

You didn't think we'd forgotten about him, did you? Granted, the Ghoul Trooper may not be the scariest skin, but it belongs to Fortnitemares like pointy teeth belong to a vampire.

2. Skeletra

Fortnite Skeletra
Skeletra. | © Epic Games

Probably the coolest Halloween skin of 2021, Skeletra looks just insanely creepy and yet she's an eye-catcher. The only one who can top her is the OG among Halloween skins....


1. Skull Trooper

Fortnite Skull Trooper
Skull Trooper. | © Epic Games

And finally, of course, our all-time favorite can't be missing. As mentioned before, the Skull Trooper was always considered an OG skin and even when he reappeared in the store, the OGs kept a purple style of their own for him. And also this year, everyone already has their V-Bucks ready....

Gaston Cuny

Gaston is a writer covering various Fortnite & Entertainment topics for EarlyGame. Previously, Gaston worked for Dexerto's editorial staff, writing guides and news articles....