Fortnite Challenge: Buy an Item from a Broken Vending Machine

This week, a new Fortnite challenge asks you to buy a random item from a broken vending machine. We'll show you where to find one and how to use it.

Broken Vending Machine Fortnite
What are broken vending machines and where are they located? | © Epic Games

Leveling the Battlepass in Chapter 3, Season 1 is not that easy. It feels like it takes forever to level up. But there are a ton of challenges to do this season to make leveling easier. Some of them are relatively easy and can be done while just normally playing a lobby, others are a bit more complicated. Like the new challenge, buy a random item from a broken vending machine.

Vending machines are actually pretty common in Fortnite. You'll find them everywhere at various POIs and even in some smaller locations. For a few gold bars, you can usually buy pretty cool stuff there like weapons, ammo, or healing items. But unfortunately, it's not that easy to find a broken vending machine as they are a bit rarer.

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What are broken vending machines in Fortnite?

As the name suggests, broken vending machines are simply vending machines – just broken... duh. You can't buy a specific item from them, but you have to pay 100 gold bars to get a random item. If you are lucky, this can be a good weapon. If you're unlucky, the vending machine will only spit out a few materials that are otherwise farmable.

You can recognize the vending machines by their red glow with a big white exclamation mark on the display. Normally we would advise you to stay away from the vending machines. But today there is a challenge to complete.


Where can I find a broken vending machine in Fortnite?

Not only do you get a random item from a broken vending machine, but it's also completely random where the broken vending machines spawn in a Fortnite every round. As we mentioned above, vending machines are located all over the map. They can either work perfectly, or they are simply broken and this is simply random, making this challenge a little frustrating to complete quickly. Unfortunately, you have no choice but to run or drive from vending machine to vending machine and simply try your luck. However, to help you out a bit, here is a map with all the vending machines on the island for you:

Broken Vending Machines in Fortnite
Some locations have more than one vending machine | © Epic Games

We advise you to land in a place where there are two vending machines. If you're lucky, you'll find a broken vending machine right away. If not, you'll just have to grab a car and drive to the next place or start a new round until you find one.

How do you buy a random item from a broken vending machine?

When you finally find a broken vending machine, you simply have to interact with it and confirm that you want to buy a random item. Of course, you'll have to make sure you have enough gold bars with you, but that shouldn't really be a problem if you have been playing a lot otherwise you will need to farm these as well before each purchase.

Once that's done, you'll have completed the challenge and will receive 25,000 XP. Yes, the mission is not that easy, but it's worth it!

If you need more XP for your Battle Pass, we'll show you how to hide in the tall grass to collect 25,000 XP as well.

Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...