Spoiler: Fortnite Chapter 3's "The End" Trailer Was Leaked

The trailer for the Fortnite Chapter 3 Live-Event "The End" has been leaked. We've analyzed the trailer just for you, but beware; spoilers ahead!

Fortnite Chapter 3 Trailer
The trailer has leaked and looks absolutely INSANE! | © Epic Games

It wasn't long ago that Epic Games asked leakers not to reveal too much during downtime ahead of Fortnite Chapter 3. But in a curious turn of events, leakers threw out the biggest UNO reverse card and did their own thing. The trailer for the fine Live-Event "The End" for Chapter 3 has been leaked!

If this was a mistake or intentionally done is yet to be determined, but we know one thing for sure and that is that the Chapter 3 event "The End" is going to be insane!

Now one more time guys: Read at your own discretion we're heading into spoiler territory with this one.

Chapter 3 Event Trailer "The End"

Okay, let's keep things short and simple. We won't blabber on too much. Just watch the trailer and enjoy:

[embed id=31591]

We have to note though that this isn't the complete live event trailer. This is going to be an advertisement – coming ahead of your favorite YouTube video soon – but even if it's just a short snipped it still includes some serious spoilers.

The most insane part about the trailer is the island of Fortnite Chapter 3 itself. Instead of Loopers moving through the zero point to get to a new reality, we have to witness our beloved Apollo-island simply... turn around – sounds weird but you've seen the trailer!

We don't know how it got to this point, but judging by the trailer this could have something to do with the Cube Queen. Epic themselves have stated:

The Convergence is complete and the dice queen is preparing for the end of the island.

The Cube Queen seriously fires a beam of pure energy into the sky, just as leakers have predicted. It seems like a new split in the reality opens up through this event – the reality of our Season 7 Battle Pass Skin Kymera.

But the moment that the island begins to move so does the energy field surrounding the queen. The shield shatters and the fate of the Cube Queen is still unknown.

[embed id=31620]

What Does the Trailer Mean?

It seems like the Cube Queen has been defeated at the end of Chapter 2.

We know that she had attempted to destroy the island, but it seems like the order has stepped in to thwart her plans. Jonesy could have also used the power of the zero point to flip the island, instead of completely destroying it. This would make sense since he is part of the trailer.


Do you guys remember our article where we teased some of the happenings coming in Chapter 3? Quite a few creator theories have popped up and all of them ended with the same sentence, "Catch you on the Flipside." Coincidence? I think NOT!

We've already figured that this could be a hint for something to come, but now it all finally makes sense! This trailer has only got us more hyped for the new Fortnite map Artemis... this is worse than waiting for Christmas, eh? Please let Fortnite Chapter 3 finally start!

So guys, see you on the flipside!

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....