How To Get Fortnite Shield Breaker EMP

While you didn't even need to download an update today, two new items have just appeared in Fortnite Battle Royale.

shield breaker emp fortnite
A new powerful grenade in Fortnite. | © Epic Games

Epic Games has just rolled out a hotfix in Fortnite to add some fresh new content in anticipation of the next update, due next week. Long story short, we've been given two new grenades, the Shield Breaker EMP and the Sticky Grenade Launcher!

The Potency of Shield Breaker EMP Detonations


When hurled, the Shield Breaker EMP radiates a disruptive pulse that annihilates protective barriers while incapacitating proximal digital apparatuses.

As of this season, players may orchestrate nefarious capers with newfound projectiles like Business Turrets, coupled with the reinvigorated arsenal of Shockwave Grenades and Remote Explosives. Notwithstanding, a supplementary adjustment has infused the Shield Breaker EMP into the game's diverse repository of loot.

A Primer to Shield Breaker EMP Acquisition

The Shield Breaker EMP appeared in Fortnite on September 5, 2023, courtesy of a refinement to Chapter 4, Season 4. The implement exudes an electromagnetic ripple on collision, crippling shields while momentarily silencing technological contraptions within its ambit.

These specialty items may be serendipitously located in secure repositories across the island. The likelihood of locating a Shield Breaker EMP ascends when scouring specialized containment units like Loot Chests and Heist Bags.

Nonetheless, these items exhibit a penchant for appearing within the island's subterranean vaults or amid the property of the elusive Thorne, harbored in Heist Bags.


The implement possesses the capability to incapacitate a litany of electronic gizmos, ranging from Laser Grids and Defense Turrets to Security Cameras and Business Turrets, extending to Vehicles, Vending Machines, Hot Spot Drones, and Shield Bubbles.

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Gaston Cuny

Gaston is a writer covering various Fortnite & Entertainment topics for EarlyGame. Previously, Gaston worked for Dexerto's editorial staff, writing guides and news articles....