Fortnite: How To Get Slap Splashes

Splashes are finally back on Fortnite, but they've undergone a small but significant change.

Slap splashes fortnite
New Splashes are finally in Fortnite! | © Epic Games

Chug Splashes had already been removed from Fortnite Battle Royale for a while, until Epic Games decided to reintroduce them in a brand new, never-before-seen form: Slap Splashes.

What Is A Slap Splash?

Slap Splashes were first introduced on Fortnite on 11 July 2023 and are a healing item that allows you to gain 15 or 30 health or shield points when the splash is thrown against a surface close to you and your allies. They also let you sprint indefinitely for 30 or 60 seconds.

However, there are two different rarities for Slap Splashes.

  • Rare Slap Splash
    • +15 Health & Shield
    • 30 seconds of unlimited sprint
  • Exotic Slap Splash
    • +30 Health & Shield
    • 60 seconds of unlimited sprint

The Difference Between Chug Splashes And Slap Splashes In Fortnite

They have almost the same name for a reason. But there is a significant difference between these two objects, which you have to throw onto a surface to obtain Health or Shield.

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The main difference between Slap Splashes and Chug Splashes is that Slap Splashes allow you to sprint non-stop with the slap effect, causing an orange colour to appear on your sprint bar, just like Slap Juice or Slap Barrels.

Where To Find Slap Splashes

Slap Splashes have just appeared in the game, so you may already have come across them. In any case, we're going to explain a few simple ways of finding them so you can heal yourself quickly.

  • Chests & floor loot: If you're lucky, you'll find Slap Splashes in your chests or on the ground.
  • "Splash Party" Reality Augment: There's now a new augment that allows you to obtain Slap Splashes directly from your inventory.
  • Holo Chests: If you've managed to get one or more keys, you can afford to buy 6 Slap Splashes in a holo chest.
  • Llama: When you destroy a llama, you'll get Slap Splashes instead of the Chug Cannon you used to get.
  • Drones: Destroy drones at hotspots and you'll be more likely to get Slap Splashes.

In conclusion, there are plenty of ways for you to find that coveted new item that will enable you to heal yourself effectively, particularly during intense combat.

Gaston Cuny

Gaston is a writer covering various Fortnite & Entertainment topics for EarlyGame. Previously, Gaston worked for Dexerto's editorial staff, writing guides and news articles....