Lego Fortnite: How To Skip The Night

There are many dangers lurking in the night of Lego Fortnite. If you would like to skip the night or the rain, we have a trick for you on how to do this.

Skip Night in Lego Fortnite
How to skip the night in Lego Fortnite. | © Epic Games

LEGO Fortnite is currently one of the most popular survival games out there. Your goal is to craft, explore the world, and farm resources. While everything looks cheerful during the day, many dangers lurk at night. Skeletons appear everywhere, terrorizing the player, and in some areas, you must protect yourself from freezing.

Therefore, many have wondered if there's a way to skip the night in Lego Fortnite. We have the answer for you.


How To Skip The Night And Rain In Lego Fortnite

Unlike in similar games like Minecraft, you cannot directly skip the night in Lego Fortnite by simply using a bed. Instead, the bed is only there to replenish your health and set a spawn point.

However, there's a little trick that allows you to skip the night or rain.


To bypass the night and rain, you just need to lie in your bed, open the menu, and exit the lobby. Then you can restart your world, and you'll find yourself back on the map on a bright, sunny day.

It's a bit cumbersome, but still better than dealing with annoying skeletons or the cold. Nevertheless, we hope that Epic introduces an update in the future to make skipping the night a bit easier.

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Alisa Eiber

Alisa is not only Fortnite Lead at EarlyGame but also streams passionately on Twitch. Here she plays games like Fortnite and Valorant together with her community on a daily basis and therefore always knows what's going on....