Star Wars x Fortnite Find The Force Event: Challenges & Rewards

A new Star Wars x Fortnite crossover is here, offering skins as well as challenges and free rewards for players. We have all the Find the Force challenges and rewards for you at a glance.

Fortnite find the force
The Fortnite Find the Power event has some great surprises in store for us! | © Epic Games

This year Fortnite is once again celebrating Star Wars Day. But this time it's different than before. In addition to new, wickedly cool skins, there's now a mini Battle Pass with missions that unlock unique cosmetics for your locker!

We have all the "Find the Power" missions and rewards for you at a glance.

All Star Wars x Fortnite "Find the Force" Quests

Unlike normal quests, these challenges give you Galactic Reputation, which you need to progress through a small Event Pass. There is a free event pass and a premium reward path that you can unlock for 1,000 V-Bucks. See the table below for an overview of all Find the Force challenges.


The Force Within

QuestGalactic Reputation
Land during Find the Force (5)200
Learn Force abilities at Rift Gates in different matches (3)200
Search a Republic Chest200
Hire a character200
Damage an enemy player that is wielding a lightsaber or DC-15 Blaster (250)200
Destroy objects with Force abilities or a Star Wars weapon (50)
Collect ammo at named locations (250)
Launch Kinetic Ore with a Star Wars weapon (2)
Travel distance on foot at night (500)
Travel distance in vehicles (1,138)
Survive Storm Phases (25)
Travel distance while sprinting (1,000)


Begun the Clone Wars Have

QuestGalactic Reputation
Visit clone trooper checkpoints (3)200
Obtain a DC-15 Blaster in different matches (3)200
Force jump onto or off a grind rail (1)
Travel distance on grind rails200
Complete or evade bounties (2)200
Get air time in a vehicle (30)
Drive distance on a motorcycle (327)200
Use a Force Ability against a vehicle (1)200
Knock down a Timber Pine with a Force ability or lightsaber (1)
Visit different named locations (9)200
Damage enemy players with a DC-15 blaster or assault rifle (3 phases)250
Use Force abilities against opponents (3 phases)

The following additional "Find the Force" missions will be released over the next few weeks:

  • The "Fall of the Republic" missions will begin on 12 May at 15:00 CEST.


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We will update this article as soon as the new quests appear in the game.

All Star Wars x Fortnite Find the Force Rewards

Fortnite Finde die Macht Belohnungen
A must for every Star Wars fan! | © Epic Games

As already written above, you will receive Galactic Reputation for the above challenges, which you can in turn redeem for the following rewards:

Galactic ReputationFree rewardPremium reward (1.000 V-Bucks Pass)
1.000Emote Army of Clones (Emoticon)
Sith Probe Droid (Back Bling)
2.000Level UpLevel Up

The Fall of the Republic (Loading Screen)

Maul’s Malice (Spray)


Republic Army Backpack (Back Bling)
Wolf Pack Trooper (Outfit)
5.000Trooper Formation (Spray)
Darth Maul Snarl (Emoticon)
6.000Level UpLevel Up
7.000Kamino’s Finest (Wrap)
Menacing Presence (Wrap)


Lil’ Podracer (Emote)

Ashoka’s Clone Trooper (Outfit)
9.000Galactic Roundel (Spray)
Maul’s Poleaxe (Harvesting Tool)
10.000Level UpLevel Up
11.000Clone Trooper (Outfit)
Darth Maul (Outfit)

The Find the Force missions are divided into three main sets and certain missions are assigned to specific sets. Once you have completed twelve quests in a set, you will receive a Sith Holocron. Earn three Sith Holocrons to unlock the Sith Infiltrator hang glider.


The Find the Force event is available until 23 May 2023 at 15:00 CEST. So get on it if you want to bag all the rewards!

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Gaston Cuny

Gaston is a writer covering various Fortnite & Entertainment topics for EarlyGame. Previously, Gaston worked for Dexerto's editorial staff, writing guides and news articles....