Assassin's Creed Mirage: All Tools & How To Upgrade Them

In order to sneak around with ease in Assassin's Creed Mirage, you'll want to help yourself to some assassin's tools. Here are all the tools you can get and how you can upgrade them in Assassin's Creed Mirage.

Assassin's Creed Mirage Basim tools
Assassin's Creed Mirage: Find out what tools you can get and upgrade! | © Ubisoft

Assassin's Creed Mirage is bringing us back to the origins of Assassin's Creed and focuses on stealth elements throughout the game. If you want to sneak around Baghdad with ease, without reaching a high notoriety level, you'll want to use the help of assassin's tools.

There are quite a few that you can choose from, so you can pick the tools that best fight your stealth-type. We'll show you which tools are available in Assassin's Creed Mirage and how you can upgrade them.


Assassin's Creed Mirage: All Tools

Assassins creed mirage stealth tools upgrade
Assassin's Creed Mirage: Stealth is so much easier with the help of the right tools and upgrades. | © Ubisoft

You can choose from six different tools in Assassin's Creed Mirage via the weapon wheel. In order to unlock the different weapons, you'll have to play the main storyline in order to get new tools from Abu Jafar Muhammad.

Throwing Knife

The Throwing Knife is a light knife balanced for throwing at short distances. You can use the knives to take care of guards that are a short or medium distance away from you.

The knives have a range of 27m, and you'll have a carry capacity of 4 knives at the beginning.


The noisemaker is a small explosive that lures guards away from Basim. The Noisemaker has a range of 17m and a carry capacity of 7 at a time.

While you might think that it will only be used to distract the guards, it can also be turned into a weapon. Without any upgrade, the Noisemaker is non-lethal, but with the help of upgrades it can be turned into a deadly weapon.


Smoke Bomb

Assassins Creed Mirage smoke bombs
Assassin's Creed Mirage: Leave your enemies behind with the help of smoke bombs! | © Ubisoft

Smoke Bombs are alchemical vials that release a thick cloud of smoke that obscures vision. Each Smoke Bomb has a starting range of 10m, and you can carry up to 6 at a time. Just like in previous games, you'll most likely use Smoke Bombs in order to escape from combat.

Later, with the help of upgrades, you'll be able to change their usage for either attack or defense purposes.


Blowdarts are silent projectiles that are capable of putting targets to sleep. You can use them to put an enemy to sleep for a short amount of time, in order to sneak past them. The blowdarts have a range of 13m each, and you can carry up to 6 of them at once.

Blowdarts can also be upgraded to apply poison to enemies or to make them enter a fit of rage.



The Torch is used to help you see in dark places. This can be especially helpful when traveling through caves and tombs. The range of it is currently unknown, and we'll take a guess that you'll be able to carry 1 torch at a time.

Upgrading your torch will most likely increase its usage range.


Traps that you place will unleash a cloud of deadly poisonous gas, that will deal damage to your enemies over a short period of time. Again, we don't know the actual range of traps at the moment, but we think that you'll be able to increase its range with the help of upgrades.


Assassin's Creed Mirage: How To Upgrade Your Tools

Tool upgrade menu in AC Mirage
You can upgrade your tools in one of the four Assassins Bureaus in Baghdad. | © Ubisoft/EarlyGame

Upgrading your tools will have different advantages. Upgrades will generally increase the tools' range and carry capacity, while also unlocking three special properties. You can equip one of these abilities per upgrade tier.

In order to upgrade the tools, you'll have to go to one of the Banu Musa brothers at any Hidden Ones Bureau and provide them with the necessary resources for each tool. You can find resources in loot containers all throughout Baghdad. Otherwise, you can get resources by completing contracts.

By bringing your tools to the Banu Musa brothers, you'll be able to unlock a new upgrade tier for your tool. Keep in mind that you'll only be able to have one active upgrade tier at a time.

Since the game hasn't come out yet, we don't know exactly what each upgrade will entail, but as soon as we find out more, we'll update you!

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Carina Toenges

Hey guys, I’m Carina! I’m currently studying Journalism and write for EarlyGame’s Gaming and LoL categories. Whether it’s Stardew Valley, Dead by Daylight or even League of Legends, I love playing and writing about all sorts of video games! ...