Borderlands Devs Are Working on 9 New Games

Gearbox, the devs behind borderline, are keeping quite busy: The devs have a whooping 9 new games in development.

Borderlands gearbox new games
I don't think anybody would mind 9 more of these. | © Gearbox

Gearbox shot to game-developing superstardom with Borderlands, and they're not looking to let up anytime soon. The devs announced that they have a bunch of new games in development... 9 AAA games to be exact. Damn.

New Games from Borderlands Devs

The 9 new games were revealed by Gearbox owner Embracer Group, though the report does not mention what these 9 new AAA games are. There are no specifics whatsoever, just the announcement of that mind-blowing number. Here's the official quote:

Gearbox continues to scale the organization to deliver on its ambitious growth plan, and there are currently nine AAA games under development

Still, thanks to previous statements from Gearbox, we do have an idea about what some of the games are: Eyes in the Dark -The Curious Case of One Victoria Bloom, the Tales of Borderlands series, and a new narrative-based game.

Because of the success and our love for Tales, and because of our interest in developing the Borderlands universe in new ways, we thought it would be fun and exciting to dive into the format of interactive fiction once again. This time, we're doing it to imagine all-new characters and all-new stories from the Borderlands. [...] We've been working on this experience secretly for many years. And I can't wait until it's time to announce this all-new game this summer and show all of you what we've been doing.

Sounds promising, but then again... it's their job to make their projects sound promising. For now, all we know is that which I've just told you about. There are no release dates for any of these games, so for all Borderlands fans, the wait simply continues...

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....