The Killing Moon quest in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty is a follow-up to the Firestarter quest finale. Here we have to face the next big turning point of the expansion. And the question: How to deal with Solomon Reed?

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty is full of missions where your actions and choices drive the narrative to an impactful outcome. And "The Killing Moon" is the last one where you truly change the path of the story.
In this guide, we'll give you a summary of The Killing Moon quest, how to get the mission in the first place and most importantly which consequences you'll face if you kill Solomon Reed.
Be warned: Everything beyond this point includes heavy spoiler territory!
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: The Killing Moon Summary

In order to get this mission, you need to side with Songbird during the Firestarter mission by picking the choice "I'm with you". This way you'll help her escape the FIA and ultimately start her mission to escape to the moon.
These are the things you need to do during "The Killing Moon":
- Get the mission – Wait 3 in-game days to get the "The Killing Moon" mission from Songbird
- Stall to get past the guard – Once you get to NCX you need to stall the conversation with the guard, while Songbird is forging an identification for you, so simply wait for "Breaching Database" to get to 100%
- Blend in with the security – You need to find a way to the Tycho Terminal, the easiest way in doing so is to blend in with the crowd. You need to head to the baggage carousel, enter the code 930604 and get a suitcase to return with a Corp uniform
- Follow Songbird – After you followed her and the quest marker for a while, you'll finally reach the train. But this won't happen without a fight, actually there is a lot of fighting waiting for you, so be prepared!
- Get the train moving – While Songbird tries to get the train working, you need to defend yourself. After things are getting out of hand, head back to Songbird, and she'll grant you access to the Blackwall, which will easily kill off all the enemies
- Carry her to the train – Once you triggered the Blackwall, Songbird runs out of energy reserves and falls to the ground. You need to carry her into the train, and she will reveal the Neural Matrix was a one-time use only. There is no cure except for the one she had for herself.
This is the point of no return, as you'll need to make a choice now!
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: Kill Solomon Reed Or Help Songbird?

There are three potential ways of dealing with the situation. We start with the worst one, that leads to the obvious bad ending:
Let Reed Kill V
In order to trigger this scene, you need to pick "Gonna have to kill me", during the conversation with Solomon Reed. He won't hesitate, as you already betrayed him. That's it and the story of V is over.
Kill Reed

During the scenes in the train, Songbird will pass out, and you have to carry her to the spaceship, where Solomon Reed will be already waiting for you. Drop Songbird on the ground and get over some dialogue with Reed, but do not complete them. Once Reed starts taking Songbird with him, that's it, and you can't help her any longer.
Before Reed completes his dialogue, take your weapon and shoot at him. The time frame is rather small, and if you miss him he will kill you, but it's still doable.
Once Reed is dead, Songbirds escapes to the moon, and one of the different main campaign endings will be triggered, which will leave you in Night City to face your fate.
Make A Deal With Reed

Instead of killing Reed off, you can also make a deal with him during the conversation in front of the spaceship. But forr this option to become available to you, you need to get in touch with him before carrying Songbird in the train and offer handing her over.
When you get to Reed's location, he'll take her with him, and Myers will recognize what you've done in Dogtown. This will result in you being granting the option to be fully healed through the cure Songbird possessed....
But this also means V will lose their personality, their former life, and Johnny Silverhand stops existing. Your romance options and friends moved on, and you will lose the life you had....
Is this really worth the price? It's a tough decision...