Diablo 4 was first announced at Blizzcon 2019 and since then, we’ve patiently waited for more news and updates on the game. Today, we’d like to share some of the most important Diablo 4 updates with you, including how to try to get into the beta.

If you’re waiting for Diablo 4: you're not alone.
A lot has happened since the Diablo 4 announcement was made at Blizzcon 2019, so today, we’d like to make your life a little easier and gather all the info that you need on Diablo 4 right here. In this article, you'll see everything you need to know about the much-anticipated game, including the release date, details on the multiplayer, beta and more.
Diablo 4 Release Date
For those of you who had hoped that Diablo 4 would release in 2022, take out the clown paint. It ain't happening, folks. However, you won't have to wait too long. Blizzard has confirmed before that Diablo 4 will release in 2023, and now has given us the full release date during the Game Awards 2022: Diablo 4 will release on June 6, 2023.
What Platforms Will Diablo 4 Release On?
Diablo 4 will release on PC, next- and old-gen consoles, that being PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Unlike games like Forspoken, Diablo 4 will not go the next-gen only route. Will the graphics be affected by this? Probably, but it's Diablo... how much graphical goodness do you want for a game like that...
Does Diablo 4 Have Crossplay?
Yes, Diablo 4 will have crossplay for all consoles. That has been confirmed during a recent Xbox and Bethesda showcase where Diablo 4 was shown extensively (more on that below). Cross-progression will also be featured in Diablo 4.
For all of that to work, though, you will need a Battle.net account. I won't explain how to do that... I'm desperately hoping that you know how to make an account on any website... especially ours. Shoutout <3.
Diablo 4 Story – Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.

The story of Diablo 4 is a continuation of Diablo 3, though the upcoming game is set a few years after the events of Diablo 3. In case you forgot what happened: the Gates of Heaven have been closed after Malthael destroyed almost all of the Sanctuary.
The High Heavens freed Lilith (like that was a good idea) and since we've seen Lilith in the trailers, it's probably safe to assume that she will be the main villain of Diablo 4.
Diablo 4 Setting
Sanctuary is growing. There are a total of six regions in Diablo 4, and even though you might remember some of them from the past, Blizzard promises that each of them will be unique and will feel new to you without losing what they originally were.
Here are the six regions that will be playable in Diablo 4:
What you see here is the current state of these six regions. This should give you a first feel of what to expect. Personally, for pre-alpha footage, this looks pretty freaking good. Imagine that + ten times better as the final product. I'm living, honey.
Diablo 4 Play Time
Joey Shely, director of Diablo 4, told Gamespot that the game will be a 35-hour experience. If your first instinct is to say: wow... that's not that long – remember that this is about the campaign only. I'm sure with everything else Diablo 4 has to offer, you will be busy with the game for much more than 35 hours.
How Many Classes Will There Be in Diablo 4?
There are currently five classes that have been confirmed for Diablo 4, one of them being my personal favorite: Rogue. Rumor had it that there will be six, so we'll see if we get another one. Since the game only releases next year, another class could be revealed.
The playable classes in Diablo 4 are:
Class | Abilities | Description |
Barbarian | Basic, Fury, Defensive, Brawling, Weapon Mastery, Ultimate | A brute class of warriors known for their high damage, strength, and variety of weapons. |
Sorcerer/Sorceress | Minor Destruction, Major Destruction, Defensive, Conjuration, Mastery, Ultimate | The sorceress attacks enemies from a distance using elements like lightning, ice, and fire. |
Druid | Basic, Spirit, Defensive, Wrath, Companion, Ultimate | Druids are able to use the powers of the wind and earth to transform themselves into animal forms like wolfs or bears. |
Rogue | depend on ranged weapon | Rogues will be able to use a variety of weapons, including swords, daggers, and bows, and can even cast shadow magic and place traps. |
Necromancer | Bone, Darkness, Blood, The Army, Book of the Dead | Bring back the dead as a Necromancer and wield dark magic as you please. |
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Diablo 4 Gameplay
On June 12, 2022, we were shown more of this exciting game during the Xbox & Bethesda Showcase, during Summer Game Fest. Here was what we were shown:
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Exciting stuff, huh? Explore the huge world with hundreds of randomly generated dungeons without any restrictions and enjoy the world of Diablo 4 during the day or night and with changing weather. It all sounds super cool.
You can read more about everything else we saw during the Xbox & Bethesda Showcase here.
Will Diablo 4 Be Multiplayer?
Yes, you have the option to play Diablo 4 multiplayer. You can either play Diablo 4 in PvP or in co-op, whatever you prefer.
Diablo 4 Beta – What You Need To Know
Diablo 4 will have an open beta at some point before release. It's not clear yet, when exactly that will happen, though. Blizzard has confirmed, that the beta will be held for at least two days. However, if you pre-order the game, you will get two more days with the beta.
If you need to catch up on what happened in Diablo 3, it's pretty cheap now.
What will you be able to play in the Diablo 4 beta? The Helltide Event, something that you would only be able to play if you reached World Tier 3 if you play on Nightmare difficulty. Additionally, to that, you will be able to play Nightmare Dungeons, a quest named Whispers of the Dead, and a PvP zone named Fields of Hatred.
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Diablo 4 | Standard, Ultimate, And Deluxe Edition Details
Regarding the different editions of the game, here is what you can expect.
Diablo 4 Standard Edition
Diablo IV – Standard Edition Digital Edition Pre-order Bonuses:
- Early access to open betas
- Messenger of Light for Diablo IV
Diablo IV – Standard Edition includes:
- Diablo IV for PS4™/PS5™® – Amalgam of Rage
- Diablo Immortal Cosmetic Set “Winged Darkness Reddish Brown”
Diablo 4 Ultimate Edition
Diablo IV – Ultimate Edition Digital Pre-order Bonuses:
- Early access to open betas
- Messenger of Light for Diablo IV
- Up to 4 days early access until Diablo IV release date
Diablo IV – Ultimate Edition includes:
- Diablo IV for PS4™/PS5™
- Amalgam of Rage, a mount from World of Warcraft®
- Diablo Immortal Cosmetic Set “Winged Darkness Reddish Brown”
- Temptation, a ride for Diablo IV
- Armored Armor of Hell for Diablo IV
- Wings of the Creator emote for Diablo IV
- Accelerate the release of the Season Battle Pass in Diablo IV (Premium Season Battle Pass unlock, 20 tier skips, 1 cosmetic item)
Diablo 4 Deluxe Edition
Diablo IV – Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-order Benefits:
- Early access to open betas
- Messenger of Light for Diablo IV
- Up to 4 days early access until Diablo IV release date
Diablo IV – Digital Deluxe Edition includes:
- Diablo IV for PS4™/PS5™
- Amalgam of Rage, a mount from World of Warcraft®
- Diablo Immortal Cosmetic Set “Winged Darkness Reddish Brown"
- Temptation, a ride for Diablo IV
- Armored Armor of Hell for Diablo IV
- Diablo IV Releases Season Battle Pass