Insider Confirms: Elder Scrolls 6 Will Be Xbox Exclusive, Not Coming to PS5

Elder Scrolls 6 Xbox exclusive
It's official: No Elder Scrolls 6 on PS5 – the game will be an Xbox Exclusive. | © WallpaperAccess

The Elder Scrolls 6 is easily one of the most anticipated games, and has been for the better part of the last decade. Whilst news on the game are sparse, once thing has been made clear now: The Elder Scrolls 6 is Xbox exclusive and will not come to the PS5.

This is actually a sad day for all Sony gamers, and I genuinely feel for them. Having the luxury of playing on multiple systems, I absolutely still hate the fact that exclusivity is a thing. Fact of the matter is though... this capitalistic world of ours speaks the language of money, and Microsoft splashed a lot of it to get exclusive Bethesda rights.

Gamers everywhere were still hoping that Starfield and especially Elder Scrolls 6 would still be released for the PlayStation, but recent Twitter trends and an official statement from Bethesda and an insider make the answer more than clear:

Elder Scrolls 6 & Starfield Are Xbox Exclusive

Microsoft really was not playing around when buying Bethesda exclusivity rights for more money than some countries are even worth: Those exclusivity deals are locked in tight. We wish we were kidding, but you don't even have to take our words for it – because this is such a tough pill to swallow, here are three tweets laying down the law:

You might now be thinking "oh, but only the Starfield one is an official source", but trust us: Jeff Grubb is an authority when it comes to gaming and his word is bond. What else is there to say, other than to repeat like one does when in disbelief:

The Elder Scrolls 6 is an Xbox Exclusive. The Elder Scrolls 6 is not coming to PS5. The same goes for Starfield. Sorry folks.

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For all those now shattered, maybe this is a silver lining: The Witcher 4 is in development and will be multi-platform and for all sci-fi fans, you have a new Dead Space to look forward to. What's more, The Elder Scrolls series is also getting one last multi-platform hurrah: Skyrim is getting yet another anniversary edition. In general, check out our RPG section to stay up-to-date on all upcoming RPGs, regardless of platform.

I certainly wouldn't be surprised if TES 6 PS5 rumors and Starfield PS5 rumors pop up again, but I, for one, am closing this case. Hope is nice and all, but too much of it just reeks of desperation. This ship has sailed, folks.

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Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....