Euro Truck Simulator 3 Not Happening? Community In Shambles

In this article you can find absolutely everything you could possibly need to know about Euro Truck Simulator 3. A recent report from GameTube has sadly givne us some very bad news however.

Euro Truck Simulator 2
Euro Truck Simulator 3 will hopefully let us work in the Iberian Peninsula again! | © SCS Software

Whenever someone asks what the best video game of all time is, we're happy to answer: "Euro Truck Simulator 2, Road to the Baltic Sea DLC, and it's not even close". There's no greater pleasure than cruising along the smooth tarmac of Latvia's E67 motorway at a cool 95 km/h. Bliss.

But, like all good things, the days of ETS 2 are numbered. So will we get a Euro Truck Simulator 3? When might it be released? And what platforms will be able to play ETS 3 on? Here is everything you need to know about Euro Truck Simulator 3.

  • Looking for accessories to make Euro Truck Simulator even more fun? Check out this gear shift knob !

Will There Be A Euro Truck Simulator 3?

We haven't heard anything official that suggests Euro Truck Simulator 3 is not happening, however, we sadly have to inform you about a recent report from GameTube. They claim the following:

There will not be another sequel for the Euro Truck Simulator. There is no clue about releasing or developing a Euro Truck Simulator 3 game yet. Actually, it seems like there is no need for a new game, not until some serious advancements because the Euro Truck Simulator 2 is still satisfying and doing well.

We're monitoring all official channels and trying to find where GameTube got this information from, but we think they are just guessing. Statements like "ETS 3 is not happening" are bound to cause panic, and understandably so, but we think for now this is just GameTube's prediction. We still think a Euro Truck Simulator 3 is likely.

Euro Truck Simulator 3 Release Window

Euro Truck Simulator 3 will be released no sooner than 2025, if it is indeed still coming. We know that the game won't be coming any sooner because we're still waiting for new DLCs to be released for ETS 2. The West Balkans pack is on the way (which includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia), but we expect even more DLCs for ETS 2 to be released before ETS 3.

Balkans Pack ETS 3
We're hyped for Euro Truck Simulator 3, but the Balkans pack will definitely make the wait easier (the image above is from a beautiful bit of road in Slovenia, and it looks like an absolute pleasure to navigate). | © SCS Software

Euro Truck Simulator 3 Platforms

Come on guys, do we really need to state the obvious? As everyone and their mum knows: Euro Truck Simulator 3 will be available on Windows, Mac and Linux, just like Euro Truck Simulator 2. We would be shocked if this wasn't the case, but we'll keep you posted if we hear anything different.

Is Euro Truck Simulator 2 Still Popular?

Yes, Euro Truck Simulator 2 is just as popular in 2023 than it's ever been. Numbers aren't skyrocketing, but an average of about 20,000 players at any one time on Steam makes Euro Truck Simulator 2 the 35th most popular game (as of May 31, 2023) on the entire platform.

You can see that the game has experienced pretty stable year-on-year growth since release:

Euro Truck Simulator 3 Release Date
It's never going to be as popular as CS:GO, but ETS 2 has been more than popular enough to justfy Euro Truck Simulator 3. | © Steam Charts

This is probably why GameTube believe ETS 3 isn't happening, but we just think it gives SCS more breathing room to work on Euro Truck Simulator 3.

And that's all there is we know so far about Euro Truck Simulator 3. We will update this article as soon as we have more info.

Thank god the ETS community don't need to put up with shoddy releases like this:

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....