Xbox has begun teasing fans with what games to expect at the upcoming showcase in June. The latest hint basically confirms that Fable will be at the event.

The new Fable game has been quietly in development for a number of years now. We did hear some alarmingly bad news about the game in late-2022, but luckily the devs came out and denied those rumors. So where do we stand? Well, we aren't super-close to a release or anything, but we do think we can expect a new trailer for the game to be revealed at the next Xbox Showcase happening on June 11. Why? Because Xbox just gave us a very obvious tease.
- You might need an Xbox to play Fable 4, but the Series S is wildly cheap, so it's not a huge barrier to entry.
Fable 4 Teased For Xbox Showcase: Reboot Of Fable 1 Heavily Implied
Okay, let's just watch the teaser for the showcase before we get too deep into what it reveals about Fable 4 (spoiler alert for those who have been following this story: the hardcore fans were right - we're going to be returning to the Albion of Fable 1).
Here is the showcase teaser:
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If you're not familiar with Fable 1, that was the official soundtrack we heard playing in the background of the teaser. This is such an obvious hint that we think there's a 99.9% chance we're going to see something from the new Fable game at the Xbox Showcase.
The fact they chose Fable 1 music also confirms a fan theory that has been brewing for a few years now: this game won't be a sequel to Fable 3, instead everything is pointing towards this being a reboot of Fable 1, or at least a return to that time period. The first game is set centuries before the second or third, and at that time the world was far more green and less industrial, which is exactly what the image of Bowerstone from the reveal trailer portrayed.
Also, and even more concretely, we know that this game will take us back to the time of Fable 1 because we can literally see the hilt of the Sword of Aeons in the first reveal trailer. We can't go into full Fable lore here (unfortunately), but the first game's whole plot revolves around this Sword.
So, tune in on June 11 to find out what the next installment of Fable will look like. Are you happy to see a return to old Albion, or would you rather they set the game in the same the time period as the second or third game?
We actually predicted this:
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