New Forza Horizon 5 Screenshots Reveal All Biomes

Forza horizon 5 screenshots
New Forza Horizon 5 screenshots have been released, and the game's biomes look stunning! | © Playground Games & Microsoft

Microsoft and Forza Horizon developers, Playground Games, have released a number of insanely detailed screenshots for this year's Forza Horizon 5. The new Forza Horizon 5 screenshots showcase all 11 new biomes that will be featured in the game's map, which is set to be the biggest Forza Horizon map ever. Here are the Forza Horizon 5 screenshots, and details about the new Biomes.

Forza Horizon 5 is set to take the world by storm when it releases later this year. Set in Mexico, the game will take us between eleven wildly different biomes, ranging from bustling central-Mexican cities to deserts and mountain-tops. It looks pretty incredible, and that E3 2021 presentation was certainly not something to be sneezed at. Let's take a look at the new Forza Horizon 5 Screenshots and Biomes!

Forza Horizon 5's new screenshots look absolutely beautiful, and the new game looks like it will be a stunning return for the series. Here's everything we know so far...

New Forza Horizon 5 Screenshots

Microsoft and Playground Games have released eleven new Forza Horizon 5 screenshots, teasing each of the new biomes in the upcoming game. We will show them to you here via the Xbox UK official Twitter account. In the first set, we see the Canyon, Tropical Coast, Farmland and Arid Hills screenshots, presenting four very different environments to explore.

We have to admit, the game looks pretty impressive, but we're not sure how they can pull of such a varied and large landscape whilst maintaining these kinds of graphics. Are we looking at a possible graphical downgrade further down the road? Heh... get it... down the road? It's a car game? Huh. I'm funny. Okay, I'll move on. Next up, we have the Jungle, Living Desert, Rocky Coast and Sand Desert...

These new Forza Horizon screenshots are pretty beautiful. We especially love the look of the Living Desert and Jungle Biomes. They just look insanely gorgeous, and we can't wait to get our wheels spinning up the dirt and sand throughout Mexico, come the game's release later this year. Here are the final Forza Horizon screenshots: Swamp, Guanajuato (Central-Mexican City), and Volcano.

What Are the New Forza Horizon 5 Biomes?

  • Canyon
  • Tropical Coast
  • Farmland
  • Rocky Coast
  • Arid Hills
  • Sand Desert
  • Living Desert
  • Jungle
  • Volcano
  • Guanajuato (Central-Mexican City)
  • Swamp

You can find full details about these new Forza Horizon 5 screenshots on Xbox's official news website, as well extended descriptions and videos showing off the game in all its glory. You should definitely check it out!

Other than that, Forza Horizon 5 will bring us to Mexico on November 9. The game will release on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC (Windows and Steam) and Xbox Game Pass. Get your gears and bodies ready. It's going to be one hell of a ride! Heh. Get it? Hell of a "ride"? Yeah? Okay, we'll let you go now...

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...