Get These 10 PlayStation Games for Free: Play at Home Campaign Returns

Horizon Zero Dawn Play at Home Screenshot
Such a good game for the low, low price of NOTHING?! (Credit: Sony)

Sony's Play At Home initiative returns on March 25. This time, the offer will include 10 free games from independent partners and an extended free trial offer Funimation or Wakanim. Later this spring, Horizon Zero Dawn will be available for free download.


To make lives a little better during the months of hardship and quarantine, Sony brought the Play At Home initiative to life. On March 1 PlayStation owners got a free Copy of the 2016 hit Rachet & Clank for PS4. If you missed it, don't worry: you will be able to claim the game until March 31.

On March 25, the Play At Home initiative returns and offers a whopping 10 free games. This time Sony chose a selection of great indie games. Feel free to read the whole article, but we are going to cover the most important things anyway, so without further ado let's get down to the nitty-gritty:

Which Games Will Be Free During The Play At Home Initiative?

Subnautica Title Screen
Subnautica is our personal highlight. (Credit: Unknown Worlds Entertainment)
  1. Abzû
  2. Enter the Gungeon
  3. Rez Infinite
  4. Subnautica
  5. The Witness
  6. Astro Bot Rescue Mission
  7. Moss
  8. Thumper
  9. Paper Beast
  10. Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition

The Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition will not be available from the start, but rather from April 19 to May 14. But that's not all: In addition to all those great games, Sony offers extended free trials for Funimation/Wakanim, so all you weebs can rest assured that you will be able to watch your favorite shows during the lockdown.

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We think this is such a cool move by Sony, but what do you think? Will you play one of those games and if so, which one? Tell us on Discord or Twitter.