What is YOUR Game of the Year for 2021?

With 2021 closing its doors, the Game of the Year conversation continues to rage on, but we're doing it a little differently. Here at EarlyGame, our Game of the Year is YOUR choice!

earlygame game of the year halo resident evil
Who will win? The Chief... or the lady? | © 343 Industries / Capcom / EarlyGame

2021 has been a year of ups and down, a year of progress and digression, a year of great video games and solidly mediocre ones. We have reviewed many of them, and avoided many others. Some that we've chosen to check out we have regretted, and others have pleasantly surprised us. Which games stand out amongst the sea of mediocrity that we swam through this year? Which game took the ticket, and which game would you give your giant "Game of the Year" stamp to?

Well, at EarlyGame we do things a little differently. It's not about what us Journalists think. There's enough of that out there for us to avoid such pompous nonsense. Our vote is equal to those of our fans, so we are handing Santa's Reigns to you. It is your turn to fly the sleigh, it is your turn to deliver the presents. The catch? Well, not everyone has been nice this year, and as an EarlyGamer you are part of a democracy. Who's chimney should EarlyGame's 2021 Game of the Year Award fall down? It's your choice, yours to vote on... Here's your ballot paper:

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What should I vote for?

Well, answering this question would kind negate the entire point of this year's Game of the Year competition. I am not here to tell you which game was the best, nor am I here to tell you what I personally thought was the best game. There's a lot to think about, sure, but that's part of the joy of this year's selection of games. We would recommend voting on what you personally believe deserves the award, but if you're really unsure, here are a few of our reviews to help you make your decision...


So, what happens now?

Have you voted? We certainly hope so! This is your chance to actually have a say on what we will establish as EarlyGame's Game of the Year for 2021. Your vote could be the deciding factor for an award that will go down in the history books, so get in quick, because voting closes on December 28!

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Once voting closes, we will figure out which game will win the award and prepare an announcement article, a possible video, and a whole lot of cool social media celebrations for it! The award will be presented at midnight on December 31st, when 2021 ends and 2022 begins. Stay tuned, as we will link it in this article and EarlyGame will be covered in celebrations... until then, though, have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Years' Eve...

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...