God of War Ragnarok Might Feature Egyptian Gods!

Godof War Egypt
Kratos vs Anubis? We're here for it. (Credit: God of War / Smite)

God of War: Ragnarok hasn't had many leaks yet, but now we might've just uncovered one thing thanks to the comics. We have reason to believe that the new God of War will feature Gods from Egyptian mythology. Sounds crazy? We can back it up.

So let's cut right to the chase: How do we know this? We read comics, that's how. Which comics? The God of War Fallen God comic, of course. Silly, you. In fact, we even told you to read it too, but you didn't listen, did you:

Don't worry, this article will not have any spoilers on any God of War games. Let's dig in:

God of War Ragnarok Egyptian Gods
Egypt ain't ready for this jelly. (Credit: jnsvmli - DeviantArt)

Who Will the Antagonists be in God of War Ragnarok?

We don't know specifically which Egyptians Gods, but we do believe some Egyptian Gods will have to face Kratos. We have good reason to think this, thanks to the first issue of the new God of War comics. These comics are officially canon and fill in the gap between God of War 3 and the God of War reboot on PS4. Within the first issue, the following happens:

  • Kratos finds himself in the desert
  • He stumbles upon an old man
  • The old man tells him: "(...) destiny lies in store for you here in the land of the Pharaohs."

Don't believe us? Here are the actual panels:

God Of War Egypt
But if what he just wants Kratos to play Destiny with Pharaohs though? (Credit: Dark Horse)

Now, why would an official God of War canon-comic, tease such a thing? Maybe the rest of the God of War comic series will have the answers, but we like to think that God of War: Ragnarök will feature Egyptian Gods.

Think about it: God of War 1-3 featured Greek mythology. The 'new' God of War featured Northern Gods, and what's the other huge mythology that everybody loves? Exactly: Egypt. We're putting money down that 'God of War 2' —as some young bloods call it— will mix the mythologies and introduce some of Egypt's finest. Mono-mythology is so 2018 anyway... all the new fuzz is poly-mythological mingling.


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Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....