A Grimace Shake For The Jarl! – The Meme Shake Has Entered Skyrim

The Grimace Shake is all over the internet at the moment. Now the deadly mixture had entered the realm of Skyrim.

Skyrim X Grimace Shake
The Grimace Shake has arrived in Skyrim |© Bethesda / McDonald's (Montage)

The new McDonald's Grimace Shake is all over the internet at the moment, and has started a viral trend. So it was only a question of time until this deadly mixture would arrive in Skyrim. Because after over 10 years of existence, there is simply no mod, that doesn't exist. This is how you can get the Meme Shake into your Skyrim experience.

Grimace Shake Has Entered Skyrim

Skyrim might be the most modded game in the world and in gaming history. Nearly everything is possible and downloadable. So it was only a question of time until the newest viral meme would be introduced to Skyrim. And the time is now, McDonald's Grimace Shake has entered the realm of Skyrim to bring death and destruction. Or to provide the freshest memes, we will see.

And if you want, you can have it in your game as well. All you got to do is to download the mod "Grimace Mead mod" from the popular mod side nexusmods.com. In-game you can buy the Shake from Belethor, for the price of 170.

Belethor Skyrim Grimace Shake
Belethor will seel the Grimace Shake |©Bethesda / MissileMann (nexusmods.com)

According to nexusmods the "Grimace Mead mod" was uploaded a couple of days ago, by "MissileMann" and was created by "He watches". Terrifying name, right? As if the vast mountains and forests of Skyrim aren't frightening enough. And just like in the real life memes, the Shake will make your character pass out fairly quickly.

Then you wake up at a different location, just like in GTA 5 when you have drunk too much. So, enjoy your drink and the following adventures in Skyrim. Maybe defeating Grimace will even give you a secret shout, who knows.

Henning Paul
Henning Paul