GTA 6 Leak: Destructible Environments, Hurricanes & More Insane Details

A leak gives us first insights into the GTA 6 graphics, and the scope of the game. From the sounds of it, GTA 6 will be a true next-gen experience.

Gta 6 graphics leak environmental destruction hurricanes
I want the GTA 6 graphics to look like this, please. Ok? Thanks. | © Hossein Diba

Alright, hold on to whatever you gotta hold on to, because this one is big: A Reddit user stumbled upon some GTA 6 job listing for Rockstar New England, and the good lads are looking for VFX experts. That's not huge news on its own, but what is big, are the details of the job description. Amongst other things, the perfect GTA 6 candidate needs to be able to work on some insane graphical details.

GTA 6 Job Listing Leaks Graphics Details

Here's what we can pull from the job listing, and thus what we can expect from GTA 6 visually:

  • Destructible Environments
  • Weapon Impact FX
  • Car dust and debris FX
  • Weapons that are dirty after falling down
  • Environmental disasters like hurricanes
  • Insects

Yes, you read all of that right, and, yes, this sounds incredibly next-gen, and leaves us with a lot to talk about. What does destructible environments and hurricanes mean? Does it mean we'll get scripted events of destruction in GTA 6 like in GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2, or does it mean that we, as a player, can actively destroy the world? The latter would be insane, particularly if we are talking about a world that then reacts to your actions and has to adapt, rebuild, and everything else that comes with it. That would certainly be incredibly next-gen, and it's highly unlikely, but then again... Rockstar is known to push the agenda: Red Dead Redemption 2 had withering cadavers, and wild-life interacting independently of the players' actions.

A while back, Rockstar talked about their plans for enhanced AI, and what they suggested ties nicely into what this leak suggests: A true next-gen experience. I'm willing to bet that Rockstar is cooking up something huge and revolutionary here.

As for the other parts of the leak, they're more or less expected, but there's one more that stands out: Insects. Why? Because it is a seemingly miniscule detail, to be give such attention in a job listing. I doubt insects will play a large role in GTA 6, but they do give us an idea of the attention to detail that we can expect from GTA 6.

Recently, it was suggested that the GTA Trilogy Remaster will look better than GTA 5, and be closer to a remake, rather than a mere remaster. If this turns out to be true, then we would be getting three incredibly up-to-date GTA games this year. Surely, that would make us forget about the GTA 6 release date for a while, and give Rockstar the time that these leaks above suggest the game needs. While this is an assumption, it does seem likely, considering that the specs for the GTA Trilogy actually surpass GTA 5 and are close to Red Dead Redemption 2.

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Rubén Alonso Granado

He vivido en España, Polonia, Inglaterra, Alemania, y de vuelta a España. Entre unos cuantos viajes estudié Estudios Americanos y Literatura Inglesa y en mis ratos libres pasaba las tardes jugando a Call of Dutys, FIFAs, Kingdom Hearts, F1... con...