How To Check Your Stats In Halo Infinite

There's no doubt that the true Halo Infinite fan will want to see their overall stats. How can they do that, though?

halo infinite stats
What are your stats in Halo Infinite? | © 343 Industries

How many kills have you made in Halo Infinite, and which of the game's enormous selection of guns have you used? What is your favorite of the many maps that are available, how often do you play on Behemoth, what this, how that, when this, where that? We all have a lot of questions that we want answered, but Halo Infinite doesn't give you a whole lot of information in-game.

That does not necessarily mean that you won't be able to find that information out, however. I mean, the internet's a thing, isn't it? Google thinks when you want answers, or just check out EarlyGame's Halo page because, if you have a Halo-related question, we have probably answered it! Thus, these questions are all going to be answered via the solution we are providing in this article. Listen closely, we're only going to say this once...


Well, actually, we're going to say it a bunch of times. You can literally just jump straight back into this guide on Halo Infinite stats if you forget what we said. You could read this guide a million times if you so-desired. I don't know why you'd want to, but you could. Anyway, here's how you can check your stats in Halo Infinite!

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How To Get Your Halo Infinite Stats

A website called "True Achievements" offers a service which will track your statistics, give you a report, and position you on the leaderboards. It's actually very simple to sort it all out, so here's a quick run-down on how you can use the website.


Go to "True Achievements"

Make your way to the "True Achievements" website and take a look at their homepage. This is a free service that is linked to your Xbox account, and we are not sponsored by this page. We just think it is really cool, and will be a huge help to a lot of people. If you use this website, you can also find out a ton of information about all sorts of games, not just Halo Infinite.

Login Using Your Xbox Account

Click on the Xbox symbol in the top right-hand corner and select "Sign in with Xbox Live". Once verified, this will bring all of your statistics together for every game that you have played on your Xbox account. No matter whether it is Halo Infinite or Elden Ring, you will not only get a full stat report, but be placed on a leader-board that compares you to all the game's players.

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What are the Halo Infinite Stat Leaderboards?

Using the Halo Infinite leaderboards, you can find the following stats.

  • Win Rate Percentage
  • Kills
  • Deaths
  • Assists
  • KDA
  • Wins
  • Losses
  • Damage Taken
  • Shots Fired
  • Damage Dealt
  • Damage Average
  • Accuracy Percentage
  • Grenade Kills
  • Melee Kills
  • Headshot Kills
  • Vehicles Destroyed
  • Vehicles Hijacked


So, there you have it. These seventeen different statistics have their own leaderboards, and give you a wonderful idea of how you are doing in Halo Infinite. There's a lot to discover, and also reveals super interesting information about how many kills you have got over your Halo Infinite career, and how many games you have won. Enjoy, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy!

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...