Halo Infinite's Become Campaign Makes You Master Chief

It's no secret that Halo Infinite is fantastic, but it's latest advertising campaign is... quite literally... turning heads. And not for a good reason!

halo infinite become
Do you want to "Become" Master Chief? I certainly don't! | © 343 Industries

Halo Infinite is an incredible game. Honestly, it's coming up on being the best game of the year, which is really saying something in a year that also saw Persona 5: Strikers grace us with its presence. Oh yeah, that baby was fantastic. What a delicious specimen! We're so moist for Halo Infinite, though, that even the Oysters are running away... and they don't even have legs! That's how great Halo Infinite is.

It thus goes without saying that in the age of great video games, we will have to put up with some pretty awful advertisements as well. In fact, as advertisements go, the Become Master Chief promotion is not only cringy as anything, it's also an insanely ill-thought-out campaign. A website where you can project your face onto Master Chief? Microsoft, what the hell do you think is going to happen?


This may be one of the worst marketing ideas that Microsoft and 343 Industries have ever had. It's so bad, in fact, that we wonder whether it's actually brilliant. It's certainly very memeable, and we're pretty certain that a lot of pretty hilarious content is going to pop up over the next few days, so this isn't a complaint. We are confused, though. Yes, we are. So very, very, very, confused. Again, what the hell did they think would happen?

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What is Halo Infinite Become?

Halo Infinite Become is a promotional website that allows you to take a photo of your face and project it onto Master Chief, making it look like "you are Master Chief". It's classic marketing nonsense, but it's obviously going to completely collapse into madness before too long. Honestly, do you really think that photos of people's faces are all that's going to be projected on Master Chief? Oh, and there are going to be some amazing memes for sure!


To do it, all you need to do is jump on over to the Become Master Chief Website, allow the site to access your webcam, take a photo, and watch the magic unfold. It is cheesier than a 90s sitcom, that's for sure. The problem is, it's more the American kind of cheese: bland, boring, and kind of disgusting. We can assure you this is not some of that delicious Italian or French cheese that we would welcome with open arms. Nope! It's honestly just... terrible. And hilarious.

Here's the first, of many, inevitable memes:

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We want to be absolutely clear with you: we do not condone this ad. It is truly awful, but also truly hilarious. We hate that it exists, but are very excited for what will inevitably come as a result of it. Internet culture sucks, but is also brilliant. Honestly, we can't really decide, but we love y'all and request you to please, please, please, make some tasteful memes out of this horrifying new marketing campaign, and send them to us on social media. We will make sure to feature them somehow... Jeez-mageez...

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...