Hogwarts Legacy Guide: How To Find Out Your House

Hogwarts houses are a defining factor for many of us HP fans. So before Hogwarts Legacy releases, here is a guide on how to find out, if you are a Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Hufflepuff.

Hogwarts Houses Banners
Which Hogwarts House will you choose for your adventure? | © Warner Bros & Movieweb

Soon the doors of Hogwarts will open for us, and we’ll get to experience a dream come true by attending the School of Wizardry ourselves with Hogwarts Legacy. One defining factor for your life at school is of course the house you will be sorted into. In preparation for the game I’ll show you ways to find out where you belong.


To get ourselves hyped, let's look at the newest trailer about the Dark Arts again:

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Choose Your House After Taking The Official Quiz

Will you let the Sorting Hat choose himself or negotiate for your dream House | © Wizarding World

You don't need much to find out your home for the year. First you need to visit the Wizarding World website. Here, create a Harry Potter Fan Club, and afterwards you'll have full access to all official tests.

You’ll have the option of doing the test online or getting the Harry Potter Fan Club App, where you can have an AR sorting moment with our beloved Sorting Hat.

During the test you have to answer some questions to get sorted into your house. Some questions might feel really familiar, as most of them are the same from the original test on Pottermore all those years ago.


Now, it's important to note that your questions will be random picks from all possible ones, so there is a chance you can do the test multiple times with different results. If you don’t want to take that risk, you can just google for a “Pottermore all possible questions” test to find all of them.

This is also a way to cheat the system a bit and check out, what answers correspond to which houses so that you get your dream sorting guaranteed. But hey, you didn’t hear it from me!

Already Taken The Test? Here's What You Can Do

Great Hall Hogwarts Legacy
Everything's ready for your sorting! | © Portkey Games

As a Harry Potter fan you might already have taken this test. But don't worry there are ways to do it again.

Sadly there is no way to do the sorting again. To do it again you need to simply delete your account and create it again. This effectively resets all tests, so you can take them again.


Something you might encounter as an older fan is that there is already a Pottermore account connected with your email. This comes from the fact that the current website evolved out of our old childhood page. So it still remembers you. Just import your information.

As a veteran fan you might already have done the test before on Pottermore. To retake it do the same procedure as above. Even if it still says “Import Data from Pottermore”, when you create a new account, the test has been reset.

After having taken the test, remember you can link it to the game, so Hogwarts Legacy will know what House your heart beats for.

Susanne Ehls

Susanne grew up in a gamer household, which made her fall in love with video games. She managed to turn her passion into her job, by working as an intern at EarlyGame and later being promoted to Junior Content Creator....