Potions are as important in Hogwarts Legacy as they are in the wizarding world. So to help you prepare for the school year, here's a brief explanation of how potion-brewing works, and an overview of all the potions in the game.

Potions are obviously a thing in Hogwarts Legacy. You'll be attending Potions class when you first enroll (don't worry, not with Snape), and even outside of those lessons, you'll be able to brew your own concoctions. You can lean into this mechanic as much or as little as you like. But if potions are something you'll want to brew for combat, or (more likely) shenanigans around the castle, then keep reading.
In this article we'll go through all the potions in the game. There are some very interesting potions in the game, but luckily no sign of Amortentia yet (I say luckily because we all know how questionable the Reddit clips would be if they did put this one in the game).
Every Potion In Hogwarts Legacy
Here is every potion in Hogwarts Legacy, and the required ingredients:
Potion | Effect | Ingredients |
Wiggenweld Potion | Health | 1 Horklump Juice, 1 Dittany Leaves |
Edurus Potion | Extra Defense | 1 Ashwinder Eggs, 1 Mongrel Fur |
Focus Potion | Reduced Spell Cooldown | 1 Lacewing Flies, 1 Fluxweed Stem, 1 Dugbog Tongue |
Maxima Potion | Increased Damage | 1 Leech Juice, 1 Spider Fang |
Invisibility Potion | Turn Invisible | 1 Leaping Toadstool Caps, 1 Knotgrass Sprig, 1 Troll Bogeys |
Thunderbrew Potion | Stuns Nearby Enemies | 1 Leech Juice, 1 Shrivelfig Fruit, 1 Stench of the Dead |
If you're a total HP-nerd, we welcome you with open arms. Why not check out the other deep-dives into Hogwarts Legacy while you're here:
- Hogwarts Legacy Spells | Every Confirmed Spell, Including Unforgivable Curses!
- Hogwarts Legacy Mounts | Every Confirmed Mount
Felix Felicis
And last but not least, the final potion we can confirm so far is Felix Felicis. Sadly this is a PlayStation exclusive, but it surely can't be as powerful as it is in the lore, otherwise that would really suck. Felix Felicis is liquid luck, it will give the drinker incredible good fortune for a day. Here's proof of it existing in the game:
If Felix Felicis sounds awesome to you (and you're on PlayStation) then pre-order for the recipe. Here's a link to buy Hogwart's Legacy.
And sadly, those were all the potions we know about so far. We know it's only a short list, but we're searching for new Hogwarts Legacy info like Nifflers looking for gold, so don't worry, we'll keep this list updated whenever we discover more!