Honkai Star Rail: Why You Should Never Use Auto Battle

In Honkai Star Rail, HoYoverse implemented a seemingly useful mechanic into their newest game: the Auto Battle. In theory, this feature is a great opportunity to hand off the chore of farming to someone else. From a practical point of view, however, it is better to reconsider whether you can really trust the Auto Battle mode.

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Honkai Star Rail: Why you should never use Auto Battle! | © HoYoverse

Honkai Star Rail's Auto Battle option, has some really awesome use cases! Especially the daily and a little annoying farming you have to do each day, gets super repetitive. So what's the harm to let the game take over?

Unfortunately, there are a bunch of scenarios, where the Auto Battle lets us down and sometimes, that even results in you losing your battle!

Let's look into the most common and questionable choices the Auto Battle annoys us with!

Honkai Star Rail: Why You Should Never Use Auto Battle

The Auto Battle feature, is one of the newest additions HoYoverse is experimenting with in their most recent game. You can easily turn this little helper on and off by just one single click. When turned on, the Auto Battle will control the battlefield entirely without your help. The little switch can be found in the top right corner, next to the speed-up button, whenever you enter a fight.

Well, it may be a little harsh to NEVER use the Auto Battle function, since there are definitely some use cases for said feature. As explained earlier, the super annoying daily farming, is the perfect job for our handy assistant.

The Most Questionable Auto Battle Choices

However, pretty hilarious and at times highly frustrating situations can also be created by this new play mode as well!

Tell me about your auto experiences by u/FenrirBestDoggo in HonkaiStarRail

If you feel the need to share your stupid Auto Battle experiences, this could be a good place to start. Next to that, you can find some more absolutely hilarious mistakes, this feature tends to do.

But let's take a look, in which situations you definitely want to avoid using the Auto feature:

Tingyun's Buffs

Our favorite Foxian lady is one of the most loved supportive characters in Star Rail right now. Her insane buffing capabilities are truly powerful and that her Ultimate can restore energy, is just the cherry on top.

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Honkai Star Rail: The Auto Battle really hates Tingyun for some reason! | © HoYoverse

Unfortunately, the Auto mode does not quite understand, how to use said powerful kit and just starts buffing random allies! This is obviously not what we want, since Tingyun's skills are used best on your DPS character only! It can be pretty tilting, if your Natasha gets said value buff five times in a row …

Next to that, the Auto Battler tends to use her Skill as often as every single round, which is totally unnecessary. This is a huge waste of Skill Points and results in your DPS not being able to use their spells.

No Healing Needed!

Every decent team comp in Honkai Star Rail, has at least one healer. A great example of this is Bailu, who is one of the few healers in the game right now. Her Ultimate is an incredibly strong AOE heal, which brings all your units back to 100% heath in just a single second!

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Honkai Star Rail: The Auto Battler really loves Bailu's Ultimate! | © HoYoverse

Precisely because this ability is so strong, it is important to use it especially wise and only when it is really needed!

"There's only one ailment that I can't cure, and that. Is. Being. Short... Hmph!" – Bailu

But the Auto Battler sees this absolutely different! As soon as one of your units loses even a little HP, the Auto Mode goes into Danger Mode and immediately uses Bailu's Ultimate! I don't have to explain to anyone why this is a huge waste.

Low HP Enemies

Probably one of the most annoying things in the entirety of Honkai Star Rail is the focus of the Auto Battle mode. Not only does the use of your own abilities on allies seem to cause problems, but also when it comes to attacking opponents.

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Honkai Star Rail: Seele's ultimate on the one HP enemy? Sounds reasonable! | © HoYoverse

You just finished the set-up of your life, the Tingyun buffs are on your Seele, and her Ultimate just got up again! Wouldn't it be great to use this super strong attack on the full life boss opponent, right?

WRONG! The Auto Battler of course knows better and finishes off the low life random ice bird with this attack first! This happens unfortunately very often and can result in you losing your fights in the very end …

I'm sure everyone who has used the Auto Battle mode in Honkai Star Rail has had similar experiences. It's probably much more effective, to just control super important battles yourself! Start using your brain again instead of relying on this feature all the time.

Celine Jaeckel

You can find tons of guides & news about Genshin Impact & Honkai: Star Rail right here, from the EarlyGame Gacha Queen herself! If she is done farming for the day, Celine hops straight into her second love, League of Legends....