How To Play Wigglytuff in Pokémon Unite

How To Play Wigglytuff Pokémon Unite
How to play Wigglytuff in Pokémon Unite? We got you covered. | © Pokémon Company

Wigglytuff is not just cute, but one of the best supporters that the new Pokémon MOBA has to offer. If you want to main Wigglytuff in Pokémon Unite, but don't know how to play Wigglytuff, then we've got the Pokémon Unite guide you were looking for.

Pokémon Unite is here, and the hype is already through the roof. Everyone is dying to play the Pokémon 5v5 MOBA, and it's ranking high up on Twitch. Of, course we are just as hyped, so we'll be providing you with a lot of Pokémon Unite How-To guides.

Listen, we've got all the Pokémon Unite guides... need other Pokémon? Easy:

How To Play Wigglytuff in Pokémon Unite

Wigglytuff Guide: Basics

Wigglytuff is without a doubt one of the best supporters that Pokémon Unite has to offer, maybe even the best support. Pair Wigglytuff with a melee Pokémon that you can protect, and you'll carry your team to the end with a win.

  • Offense: 1/5
  • Endurance 2.5/5
  • Mobility 2.5/5
  • Scoring 2/5
  • Support 4.5/5

Wigglytuff Guide: Evolution

You will start out as Jigglypuff and will evolve into Wigglypuff at Level 4.

Wigglytuff Guide: Unique Abilities

  • Cute Charm – When you are attacked at close range, the attacker becomes infatuated with you for a short time, causing it to walk toward you against its will.
  • Basic Attack – Every third attack does extra damage and spins the opponent, stunning it briefly.

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Wigglytuff Guide: Moves

Level 1

  • Pound | 5s cooldown – Smacks nearby opponents, damaging and slowing them.
  • Defense Curl | 8s cooldown – Gains a shield and rolls into opponents, displacing them. Impacting terrain causes you to bounce and resets the cooldowns for your other special moves.

How to build: Build Defense Curl first. Pound is – and has always been – a crappy attack that nobody uses unless they have to. Nothing different in Pokémon Unite.

Level 4

  • Rollout | 10s cooldown – A more powerful version of Defense Curl. Gains a shield and rolls into opponents, displacing them. Impacting terrain causes you to bounce and resets the cooldowns for your other special moves.
  • Sing | 10s cooldown – Sing at opponents, slowing them. Opponents caught in your song for too long are put to sleep, and their defenses weaken.

How to build: As you won't need Rollout because you've already built Defense Curl, definitely go for Sing. This sets up an incredibly powerful combo if you're playing with a melee/tank champion that can attack the enemy Pokémon.

Level 6

  • Double Slap | 5s cooldown – Smacks nearby opponents multiple times, damaging and slowing them.
  • Dazzling Gleam | 4.5s cooldown – Emits a powerful light that damages opponents in a line twice.

How to build: Like with Pound, nobody keeps Double Slap. Definitely go for Dazzling Gleam, also because of how powerful it is.

Level 8 – Wigglytuff Unite Move

  • Starlight Recital – Shields you and your nearby allies, cleansing everyone of hindrances and nullifying new hindrances for a short time.

You need to use this in a teamfight to give your allies a shield and get rid of any status effects that they might have. Be there when the teamfight starts!


Wigglytuff Guide: Item Build

  • Held Items | Go with Shell Bell, Wise Glasses and Energy Amplifier.
  • Battle Item | Full Heal.

Shell Bell increases your healing abilities, while your special attack damage will be increased with Wise Glasses. Energy Amplifier increases your damage after using your Unite Move, making it perfect to allow Wigglytuff to keep her allies safe even after a tough situation is over. You know... in case of a surprise gank.

Full Heal will make you temporarily immune to status effects, which is super important. You as the support don't want to not be able to support, even if it's just for a second.

Wigglytuff Guide: Game Strategy

Make sure you don't roam around on your own on the map, and stick with one or more Pokémon to support them when need be. Especially melee heavy Pokémon that will be in the thick of fighting need your support, so choose who and when to support wisely.

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Michelle Stummreiter

Michelle was the Head of Content at EarlyGame. Her favorite games are League of Legends and the Dragon Age series....