How To Get All Special Boss Weapons In Lies of P

In Lies of P, you can get special weapons for defeating the bosses of the game. These boss weapons not only look super cool, but also carry unique Fable Art skills. Here is a list of all boss weapons and a guide on how to get them.

Lies of P: All woss weapons
Lies of P: All woss weapons and how to get them | © Neowiz

Lies of P has many weapons to obtain throughout the game, but the rarest ones are only available to you once you defeated its associated boss. Special weapons, or boss weapons, are different from the rest, because they cannot be disassembled. Once you carry it, it will be in your possession forever.

But be careful not to miss the chance to get them, because they are tied to a specific item that you can only get once!


Lies of P: How To Get Boss Weapons

Lies of P getting boss weapons
How to get boss weapons in Lies of P | © Neowiz

After defeating a boss in Lies of P, you will get a unique Ergo as a reward. Make sure not to sell this unique, Ergo! They do give between +10,000 to +15,000 ergo currency when sold, which can be quite tempting... But just stick with me! We need these for something much more valuable than for stocking up our funds.


Unique Ergo can be exchanged with Alidoro, a treasure hunter who will give players Special Boss Weapons or Amulets in return for their unique find. Since, these unique Ergo are collected directly from one of the bosses, the weapon in exchange will automatically carry its own set of statistics, effects, and fable arts, corresponding to the boss that it came from.

You will find Alidoro in the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, after taking the lift to the top of the repository.


Boss weapons also have their unique look and design, based on their associated boss. Take a look at all boss weapons in Lies of P below:

Lies of P: All Boss Weapons

Lies of P Boss Weapons
All Boss Weapons in Lies of P | © Neowiz
NameTypeBoss to defeatFable Arts
Seven-Coil SpringswordGreatswordParade LeaderSeven Explosions & Guard Parry
EtiquetteDaggerScrapped WatchmanSingle Stab & Absolute Counterattack
Holy Sword of the ArkGreatswordKing’s Flame FuocoPatient Smash & Alter
Trident of the CovenantBluntFallen BishopLink Rush Stab & Guard Parry
Puppet RipperSwordKing of PuppetsQuick Upward Slash & Storm Spinning Slash
Frozen FeastGreatswordChampion VictorLiberate & Single Slash
Two Dragons SwordSwordPuppet-Devouring Green MonsterLink Emergency Dodge & Wind of Swords
Uroboros’ EyeSwordLaxasia the CompleteWandering Moon & Storm Notice
Noblesse ObligeLarge BluntSimon ManusErgo Release & Endure
Proof of HumanitySwordNameless PuppetLink Slash & Grind

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Malena Rose

Malena is a game design student and writer at EarlyGame. Her life-long passion for videogames inspired her to make a living out of it. Through her studies in Game Design, she now plays an active role within the gaming industry....