Naughty Dog Is Working on "Something Big". Is it Jak & Daxter?

Naughty Dog is hiring, and mainly looking for animators. Could they be working on a new Jak & Daxter game?

Naughty dog new next game project
Crash is back, Nate and Ellie are doing their thing... what about Jak & Daxter? | © Naughty Dog

Naughty Dog is really busy these days. We know that they are working on a multiplayer for The Last of Us, which looks to be Factions, released as a standalone game. Another job-listing leak: Naughty Dog is officially looking to fill a lot of positions. Like, literally dozens of jobs. This was revealed by animation director Jeremy Yates on Twitter:

You can read a lot into these positions, but what's noticeable is that these positions are mainly about animators, and include single-player as well as multiplayer, meaning that this is not just about the multiplayer for The Last of Us.

So what does Jeremy Yates mean when he says that they're working on "something big"? A new Uncharted? A port of a known PlayStation franchise? Jak & Daxter? Or an entirely new IP? Anything is possible, and the co-president also gave us this tidbit earlier in the year, which leaves even more speculation room:

"We have one [project] and then some that are in pre-production, or maybe just creeping out of pre-production, but will have to wait until the main focus has completed before we move everybody off of that project."

Will There Ever Be a New Jak & Daxter?

If you ask me, yes there should be, and I'm hoping there will be. I would love to see Naughty Dog bring back Jak & Daxter. The original trilogy was amazing, and recent titles like Ratchet & Clank, and Kena prove that good, beautiful animated games are in high demand these days – a fact that is underlined by Sly Cooper making a comeback. Seriously, now would be the perfect time for Jak & Daxter to finally get a new game, and I hope Naughty Dog is considering it. After all, the positions above mainly look for help in the animation department, so Jak & Daxter does seem likely...

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Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....