Need For Speed Delayed, Criterion Move to Battlefield 6 Development

Criterion Need For Speed Battlefield 6
Battlefield 6 has been prioritized over the new Need For Speed. (Credit: EA)

EA are reshuffling their studio assignments which is causing some effects. Namely, the postponement of the next Need For Speed release, which was scheduled for a late 2021 launch. The reason is that the studio developing the racing game - Criterion, has been reassigned to help EA Dice with Battlefield 6.

EA's studio management during the pandemic is quite erratic. The publisher just recently took BioWare away from Anthem, effectively shutting that game down. More changes are coming to the EA schedule as the promised 2021 Need For Speed game is not coming after all.

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Need For Speed Delayed, Criterion to Develop Battlefield 6

EA have moved Need For Speed developer Criterion Games to aid EA Dice on the new Battlefield game. The still unnamed shooter, colloquially known as Battlefield 6, was originally supposed to launch alongside the also untitled new Need For Speed this year, but now it will launch instead of it. The latter has been pushed back to at least 2022.

The good news for Battlefield fans: EA Dice and Criterion Games have worked together before, aaaaalthough it was on the Star Wars: Battlefront games, which, you know, take it as you will. Criterion also did some work on the last BF release - Battlefield 5, so at the very least they're not thrown into the battlefield, he-he, completely out of the blue.

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The good news for Need For Speed fans: the new NFS is not canceled, just postponed. According to EA, it should come sometime in 2022. While seeing your stuff getting pushed to the side for another game isn't easy to swallow, the reality of the situation is that the pandemic is quite the obstacle for game development and Battlefield is in a much stronger state these days than Need For Speed, so the choice, as disappointing as it might be for virtual racers everywhere, was obvious.

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