Netflix Gets Exclusive League of Legends Spin-Off Game

Hextech Mayhem and Dungeon Dwarves are two LoL spin-offs from Riot and Hyper Hippo, and it's now been confirmed that they will be exclusively playable on Netflix only.

Netflix league of legends hextech mayhem dungeon dwarves
LoL is coming to Netflix, and it's not another Arcane season. | © Riot Games, Netflix

Netflix has dipped a toe into gaming. That was to be expected sooner or later – if you reach 300 million people with a streaming platform, you soon realize that you can do more than just movies and TV. What was unexpected was the originally weak offering, because, truth be told, the first Netflix games were trash. Now, Netflix might have finally made a real move, because they acquired the exclusive rights to some League of Legends spin-off games.

League of Legends Spin-Off Games Are Netflix Exclusives

Specifically, Netflix bought the exclusive rights to Dungeon Dwarves and Hextech Mayhem, which are both mobile games coming to Android and iOS. The Netflix exclusivity means that both of those games are only playable, if you have a Netflix subscription.

Dungeon Dwarves is an idle dungeon crawler, developed by Hyper Hippo. If you're not familiar with idle dungeon crawlers, it means that the game continues your progress even when you're not playing. Gameplay wise, you control a party of five dwarves, with the goal to reclaim their underground home from monsters.

Hextech Mayhem is completely different: It's a rhythm runner with characters from League of Legends, that has already launched on consoles and PC and will now come to mobile devices exclusively for Netflix subscribers.

Sure, these two are not the biggest games on the block, but they're a step in the right direction. It'll be interesting to see how far Netflix wants to take their gaming department, and if they want to cater to casual gamers, or if they also intend to develop AAA games.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....