New World Release Date Delayed

New world release date delayed
No more New World in August, guys. | © Amazon Game Studios

New World was supposed to be released this month, in August, but now got delayed after an insane beta. What happened, and when will New World release now?

So, the New World Beta was absolutely insane. So insane, that not even the devs of the game had expected the feedback that they’ve gotten. In a way, it’s both a curse and a blessing. A blessing, because New World will now release as the best possible version it can be (no Cyberpunk reference for once), and a curse, because all that feedback made them realize that they needed more time. And so… they took it.

When Is The New World Release Date?

New World will now release on September 28th, instead of August 31st like it was originally planned. As you can see in the tweet above, the devs explained that they needed to improve the game based on the feedback that they’ve gotten and would focus on bug fixing, improving stability and just overall polishing the game.

With the amount of players that loved this game, it is no surprise that the feedback was overwhelming. However, we believe that this is the best thing that could have happened to the New World team. Now, they can hopefully launch New World in September as a fully ready, bug-free and stable game that might just stay in the top 10 most watched games on Twitch.

We've seen multiple developers push back their release dates because they want to polish their games... so much that it's becoming a pattern. I know I said I wouldn't mention Cyberpunk, but... could this maybe be the reason? Developers being too afraid nowadays to "make mistakes" when releasing games? Not saying this is bad, because I'd always rather take a delayed game than an unfinished one. Please, BioWare. Read that again in regard to Dragon Age 4.

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Were you looking forward to New World and were one of the people that played its beta? Don't worry, it's not so bad, the release date is next month. Harry Potter fans, now they're in it for a rough time. If you want more bad and good news about release dates, make sure you stick around EarlyGame's gaming section!

Michelle Stummreiter

Michelle was the Head of Content at EarlyGame. Her favorite games are League of Legends and the Dragon Age series....