Nintendo Switch OLED Model Announced (It Sucks): Release Date

Nintendo switch oled model
The Nintendo Switch Pro... sorry... OLED Model has been announced! | © Nintendo

The Nintendo Switch OLED Model has finally been revealed, confirming the rumors and speculation that has been circling around a potential Nintendo Switch Pro for months. We have the Nintendo Switch OLED release date, price, and trailer for you!

Ouch, Nintendo. Come-on guys! Y'all excited for an OLED Switch? Yet again, Nintendo has confirmed that they are about five-years in the past. That being said, the Nintendo Switch OLED does look pretty sweet, and has a pretty fantastic collection of games (more than four-years worth!) available for it on launch. We're feeling a tad let down, but it's Nintendo – they'll probably pull through.

Before we get to the Nintendo Switch OLED Model's release date, price, and trailer, we have a couple cool-ass Nintendo articles for you to check out!

Nintendo Switch OLED Model Details

  • Brand new 7" OLED Screen
  • Wide and adjustable stand
  • Better and enhanced in-system audio
  • The Nintendo Switch OLED Dock features a new Wired LAN Port
  • Currently, little else is known about the Nintendo Switch OLED Model.

What is the Nintendo Switch OLED Model Release Date?

The Nintendo Switch OLED Model, formerly known as the Nintendo Switch Pro, has a release date of October 8. Nintendo are always super good with this, and whilst the specific specifications are not yet known for the new system, it is pretty sweet that we already have a release date! It's super soon, as well, which is awesome – again, the Nintendo Switch OLED Model release date is October 8!

Nintendo Switch OLED Model's Price?

The Nintendo Switch OLED Model price will be set at $350 USD. That's actually insanely cheap, compared to what we anticipated – we would have said between $400-500 USD! This is actually fantastic news, as it is a reasonable entry price for new Switch owners, and a decent proposition for those of us who might want to upgrade our old Nintendo Switch! Kudos to you, Nintendo, kudos to you...

Still... this is a little underwhelming. The Nintendo Switch features some absolutely fantastic games, but for goodness’ sake, is this all you've got for us Nintendo? An OLED screen and a Wired LAN Port? Exciting. Look, to be honest, it'll probably be fantastic. This news could have just been so much better... Let's hope that Nintendo pulls through with the Nintendo Switch Pro... sorry, OLED Model.

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...