Leak: Nintendo Switch Pro Coming This Week!

Nintendo Switch Pro
The Nintendo Switch is coming soon. Very. Soon. (Credit: Samverho)

The Nintendo Switch Pro is coming, we all know that. Now, a leaker revealed that the new Nintendo Switch Pro will already be released this week! We've got all the details on the Switch Pro Release Date!

This is kind of awkward, because we literally just reported on the Nintendo Switch release date a day or two ago. In said article, we stated that the system is meant to ship later this year. Now, it turns out that the Nintendo Switch Pro will get its release date much, much sooner than we all thought:

Nintendo Switch Pro Release Date: June 2021

Yup, you read the headline right: The Nintendo Switch Pro is supposed to be released on June 4, 2021 around midnight. This is according to a leaker who claims to have this info from a big retailer's internal files. The leaker in question is Centro LEAKS, and they are as reliable as it gets for all things Nintendo:

The last Nintendo game release or event leak that proved true, problem came to you courtesy of them, so Centro LEAKS tweeting this Nintendo Switch release date has some serious gravity.

They even double down on this in a way by giving us the alternate Switch Pro release date, given by the same retailer:

Make of this what you will, but don't make us out to be evil if it proves untrue. If it does prove to be true though... you heard it here first.

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Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....