When You Can Expect More Pokemon Arceus News & Gameplay

Pokemon Arceus Gameplay and news
Pokemon Arceus, no pressure, but anything other than game of the year is a bust. | © Nintendo

Pokémon Arceus is the game that everybody wants more news on. We already have a release date, so now we're just waiting for more Pokémon Arceus news and gameplay. When can we expect more? We have an idea.

Notably, there was no Pokémon news at the Nintendo Direct during E3. That's kind of a big deal, because having Pokémon at E3 is tradition. Like family gatherings and uncomfortably drunk uncles or us promising our interns fair pay and then not doing it.

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First of all: While this is weird and hasn't happened in a decade, calm your tatas everybody, Pokémon Arceus is not in development hell. We all got a release date a couple weeks ago... what could've gone wrong since? Gamefreak and Nintendo are not CDPR. Don't worry. Still, we feel you on wanting more news, and that's why you're here, so let's get to it:

When Will We Get More Pokémon Arceus News?

Don't put a gun to our heads over this, but our money is on October. More specifically, we expect to get a Pokémon Direct in October 2021. At this Pokémon Direct we then expect Gamefreak and Nintendo to give us some more deets on Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl as well as Pokémon Arceus.

Why October? Well, quick maths, my dudes: Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl are releasing on November 19, and we'd like to think that they wanna hype those games up shortly before we release. Thus, it's gotta be October and if it ain't, then expect that Pokémon Direct in early November with your Pokémon Arceus news and gameplay. That is a good buffer until January 28, when Pokémon Arceus actually releases.

There you go. You're welcome.

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Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....