Project 007: Latest News & Leaks | Everything You Need to Know

You're about to get really excited because James Bond is returning to video games with the next-generation consoles. But who's ready to become the ultimate superspy? Let's find out.

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James Bond is coming to next-generation consoles with Project 007 | © IO Interactive, EON Productions, and MGM

I’m sure that, like everyone else, I’d thought we wouldn’t see another version of James Bond after Daniel Craig left the role. But that assumption was wrong, as IO Interactive announced they’re developing a James Bond video game named Project 007.

When IO Interactive announced this game, they confirmed that Project 007 remained in early development. But two years have passed, and there should be some more information now. Fortunately, I’ve found what information is available for this game and can tell you that we’re in for an incredible experience. So, let’s start dissecting what Project 007 has to offer.

Is Project 007 Coming Out In 2022?

There isn’t an official release date for Project 007. Unfortunately, everything suggests that this game won’t be released until 2024-2025. I know this isn't very reassuring for anyone hoping to get their hands-on Project 007 within the next year. But I do have some positive news for you, Project 007 will be exclusively available for next-generation consoles.

After researching the available positions at IO Interactive, I’m confident that Project 007 remains in early development after two years. Why, might you ask? There are currently sixteen positions at IO Interactive that suggest they’re still in the concept art stage. From all accounts, they haven’t even started recruiting for these positions.

Game Setting & Story For Project 007

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Are you ready to become the ultimate superspy in Project 007? | © IO Interactive, EON Productions, and MGM

As previously mentioned, there hasn’t been an extensive amount of information on Project 007. The storyline has remained a complete mystery since the game was initially announced in November 2020. However, the CEO of IO Interactive confirmed that Project 007 would focus on N entirely new version of James Bond. We won’t have to worry about former actors reprising their roles. So, don’t expect to see Daniel Craig as the main character.

I’m wondering how IO Interactive will pursue their version of James Bond, the CEO suggested they’ll modernize the character for a new generation. This could create some discrepancies for numerous people, including myself. But we haven’t the slightest idea where IO Interactive is taking their version of James Bond. I’d be shocked to see him without his standard super spy persona.

Is Project 007 Getting Released On PC And Xbox?

IO Interactive hasn’t announced which consoles will launch with Project 007. So, I cannot say with complete confidence that Project 007 will release on Xbox and PC. There’s a small chance this game could become an exclusive for the PlayStation5, especially when considering that Microsoft and Sony are acquiring numerous developers like Bungie and Bethesda.

In my professional opinion, you should expect Project 007 to release on all platforms. But we’ll inform you when an official announcement is made on which consoles are available for Project 007. Let’s hope that’s sooner rather than later.

Is Project 007 Part Of The Game Pass On Xbox

From what I’ve seen, Project 007 won’t launch onto the Xbox Game Pass. However, this could change as IO Interactive announces more information about their upcoming title. We could find ourselves being told that Project 007 is an exclusive title for the Xbox Series S/X and PC. But this is purely speculation, as IO Interactive or EON Productions have confirmed nothing to the media.

Everything We Know About Project 007 So Far| All Leaks & Rumors

Project007 Details
Everyone involved with Project 007 | © IO Interactive, EON Productions, and MGM

As you’ve noticed, there isn’t much known about IO Interactive’s Project 007. All that’s known about this upcoming game is that we’ll receive an entirely new storyline surrounding an updated version of James Bond. Otherwise, everything about Project 007 is shrouded in mystery. Fortunately, I’ve started to unravel this game's mysteries.

Everyone has wondered about the possibility of another multiplayer mode in this James Bond game. However, details regarding an online component have been scarce. That was until today, as I’ve learned that IO Interactive is looking for a Lead Online Programmer and UI Designer that can assist with Project 007, as well as the Hitman franchise. As such, everything from these employment positions suggests that IO Interactive is looking to replicate the multiplayer mode found within Goldeneye.

IO Interactive has also posted employment positioned for an Intermediate/Senior Gameplay Animator and Cinematics Producer. As such, I’m confident we’ll be receiving a massive storyline for Project 007. I’m even expecting some incredible cinematics similar to Daniel Craig’s James Bond films. This would make for a fantastic experience that would show off the true power of next-generation consoles.

In total, sixteen employment positions are listed with IO Interactive. Once these positions are filled, Project 007 will begin development. That’s why you shouldn’t expect this game to launch until 2024-25. However, my predictions could be wrong, and IO Interactive could surprise me by announcing this game for 2023.

Is Project 007 Getting A Female Protagonist?

No, Project 007 isn’t getting a female protagonist for its main storyline. I’m sure some would consider this the wrong choice on IO Interactive’s behalf, but most don’t know that James Bond is based on Ian Fleming. He was a Naval Intelligence Officer who assisted with Operation Goldeneye for the British Army while maintaining a military tenure from 1939 to 1942. This means that creating James Bond as a woman would dishonor the incredible things this man did to ensure democracy across Europe. However, that doesn’t mean IO Interactive can’t implement female protagonists into the multiplayer mode. I’m firmly expecting that we’ll see female super spies from various law enforcement agencies worldwide, including M16.

Game Trailer & Demo

Unfortunately, the cinematic trailer IO Interactive released for Project 007 doesn’t provide any details about this upcoming game. There’s a brief appearance of a pistol before the footage pans out and shows the inner barrel pointing towards where James Bond is supported to be, but guess what? He isn’t there. IO Interactive doesn’t want anyone seeing what their version of James Bond could look like for some time to come. As a longtime supporter of this franchise, I’m somewhat disappointed the trailer didn’t provide more evidence of what’s coming with Project 007.

Game System Requirements

There’s a good chance that there will be another generation of CPUs and GPUs by the time Project 007 is released by IO Interactive. So, I’d take our system requirements with some caution. It’s purely speculation that the Nvidia GTX GeForce 3060 or AMD Ryzen 6 Series will provide enough to operate Project 007.

Recommended System Requirements

CategorySystem Requirement
Operating SystemWindows 10 & Windows 11 (64-bit or Later)
CPUIntel Core i7-5820K / AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Storage SpaceTBC
Hi-Rez Assets CacheTBC
Video Card (GPU)Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 / AMD Radeon RX 6800
Video MemoryDirectX - Version 12
Graphics DriverTBC
Christian Holmes

Hello, I’m Christian Holmes. I’ve been honored to show you the latest games coming to Xbox, PlayStation, and PC for six months.

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