PUBG Battleground is Now Free-to-Play

PUBG announced a while ago that it was switching to a free-to-play model. It finally happened.

Winner winner, chicken dinner. | © PUBG Corporation

You’re sick and tired of colorful battle buses? You want to go out there and fight the real war? Well, then you can! It was just announced that everyone’s favorite Battle Royale will be free to play!

But, don’t worry, for those of you who have already spent money on the game previously, you’ll be getting some goodies as well as a ‘thank you’.

PUBG Will Be Free To Play

Until now you’ve had to fork over around 10 bucks to play Player’s Unknown Battlegrounds, maybe more depending on your steam account. I had to pay a solid 14 dollars in the Canadian one.

But enough of that! Now PUBG is going to be free to play! Of course, there are still a lot of cosmetic items which can be purchased for money, but if you’re a minimalist and just want to jump out of a plane and then go on a shooting rampage, then the game is finally free to play for you!


There is still an option to pay 10 bucks for a special Battleground pack. This pack will feature ranked mode, the option to create custom matches, and some exclusive items. But as mentioned, this is optional.

What If You Paid for PUBG Previously?

As mentioned above, for those of you who have paid for PUBG before, you’ll immediately be added to the BATTLEGROUND Plus crew right off the bat without having to fork over any money again. This is PUBG Corps. gift to you.

But that isn’t it, you’ll also get the Special Commemorative Pack which includes some unique skins for you as well. This option will vary on platform, but those of you who have purchased the game on PlayStation and Steam will immediately get the Special Commemorative Pack.

If you played on Stadia or XBox you’ll need to have finished setting up your in-game nickname before the free-to-play transition took place.

So go out there and enjoy some free-to-play Battleground. Trust me, it’s lots of fun!

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....