Sony Removes Cyberpunk 2077 From the PlayStation Store

Cyberpunk 2077 cdpr
Sony have had enough of Cyberpunk 2077. (Image Credit: CD Projekt RED)

In a bold but not at all shocking move, Sony Interactive Entertainment cut short Cyberpunk 2077's run on the PlayStation Store just a week after release. There will be refunds available to anyone who demands them, and the extremely controversial game will not be available for purchase on the PS Store "for the time being."

Sony once resisted cross-platform play because they did not want to bring themselves to the lower levels of others. Yeah, that's the type of company we're talking about. So, it should not be a revelation to anyone that Cyberpunk 2077's embarrassing launch on consoles did not sit very well with the Japanese company.

The most anticipated game of 2020 released on December 10 after a series of delays and when it finally hit the shelves... it was a disaster. Especially on consoles. The game is buggy and, let's admit it, not very good even if not for the bugs, on every platform. The unplayability of Cyberpunk 2077 on consoles though takes the cake.

Adding to the endless bugs is a ridiculous dip in graphics quality that makes CD Projekt RED's baby look like it was born in 2012. Which is kind of true. What made this obvious difference in quality way worse is the fact the publisher never showed real console gameplay pre-launch and acted like that's no big deal after their dirty laundry got exposed.

In the middle of this raging (sh!t)storm, one of the console giants - Sony, decided to bail. The company behind PlayStation pulled the plug on Cyberpunk 2077 without any nonsense. If you wish to purchase the game from the PS Store now, you'll be left disappointed. If you already bought it and wish a refund, then you'll be happy. If you already bought it and don't want to refund it, you'll be happy in your disappointment.

CD Projekt RED commented on the removal of their game from the PlayStation Store by saying basically nothing. The decision was made in accordance with them, bla bla, you can still buy it at retail stores, bla bla, Cyberpunk 2077 will continue to receive more support and updates, bla bla.

That last part is actually baffling. The fact you need reassurance that the hype game of 2020 is going to keep receiving "support" a week after release tells us all we need to know.

Anyway. Refunds, everyone!

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