LoL Streamer Receives Never Before Seen Ban From Riot

Riot seems to be serious about tackling toxicity in its communities. Not even streamers are safe from Riots wrath, as this incident shows us one streamer who recently received a never seen before ban.

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How toxic do you have to be for Riot to completly ban you? | © Riot Games

It seems Riot is finally striking down not only on toxic players, but toxic streamers as well.

An Italian streamer known as Brizz94, who is mostly famous for his League of Legends content, has been indefinitely banned from all Riot game titles for his toxic behavior. This was shown on his stream, where he read the statement he received from Riot to his chat, and he didn't seem to take the news well.

The former professional League of Legends player seems to have a track record of anger outbursts and also allegedly wished harm upon others while playing.

In the translated statement, Riot says:

League in Italy has often had the reputation of a toxic and unfriendly community and we as a company have not been present in Italy for many years, and this has not helped in the perception of who and what Riot does in Italy [...]

Not only in Italy, but yes, League does have a bad reputation when it comes to toxic players.

From there, they go on to explain why they decided to ban Brizz94 in particular:

Unfortunately, however, because of a minority of players, who enjoy ruining the experience of other players, talent or Rioter themselves, the negative perception sometimes remains and discourages the new or is reason to move away from the game. [...] The community sees YOU as a reference and is influenced by what you do and say.
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I've been seeing a lot of these pop up recently... | © Riot Games / screenshot in game

Riot then gave Brizz his sentencing:

We therefore decided to discourage these messages, with an action that has no precedent in Italy: ban on sight indefinitely on all accounts for the talent from which these chats arise, namely Brizz.

They go on to state, that this decision is nothing personal against the streamer, but to discourage toxic behavior in others. Which is why they also asked him to refrain from working together with other "talents" that produce content with Riot's games.

Who knows, maybe Riot will continue to ban bad influences in the community, like they once did with Tyler1.

In a utopian future, maybe the worst thing that we will come across in LoL chats is "gg ez".

One can only dream.

Carina Toenges

Hey guys, I’m Carina! I’m currently studying Journalism and write for EarlyGame’s Gaming and LoL categories. Whether it’s Stardew Valley, Dead by Daylight or even League of Legends, I love playing and writing about all sorts of video games! ...