Summer Games Done Quick 2023: Speedrun Event Raises $2.2 Million For Charity

The Summer Games Done Quick Event just ended and raised a total of $2.2 Million for charity. Here are our highlights and what's up next.

SGDQ 2023 raised over 2 millione dollars for Doctors Without Borders. | © GDQ

Games Done Quick (GDQ) is a biannual charity event that brings together gaming enthusiasts from around the world to showcase their skills and raise money for various charitable organizations. The event features a selection of great speedruns, or high-speed playthroughs, where gamers attempt to complete video games as quickly as possible. GDQ began in 2010 and has grown into a major gaming marathon, attracting a wide audience both online and in person.

Participants compete against the clock, utilizing advanced strategies, glitches, and precise execution to achieve record-breaking completion times. These speedruns are broadcasted live on Twitch, and are finally also held in person again. Depending on the location, speedrun enthusiasts can finally watch and meet their favorite speedrunner live on site.

During the event, viewers, sponsors and attendees can donate towards supporting causes such as medical research, disaster relief, and humanitarian aid. The Summer Games Done Quick event benefits Doctors Without Borders and once again raised a great amount of money.

SGDQ 2023 Raises $2.2 Million For Doctors Without Borders

This year, the Summer Games Done Quick event raised a total of $2.239.204 for Doctors Without Borders. Even so, they couldn't reach the $3 million from last year, the event now raised a stunning $18.7 million for charity since it started in 2011. If we add the donations from the AGDQ events, this makes an impressive $46 million in total.

As always, SGDQ featured some well-known games, but also some really weird indie stuff. My personal favorite was the Peggle run. Yes, you can actually speedrun Peggle and it is a lot of fun to watch:

If you prefer bigger games, they also had a speedrun of Returnal that was quite impressive. Did you know you can complete the whole game in under 40 minutes? Another highlight was the Elden Ring speedrun and the blindfolded Maliketh showcase. All runs are of course also available on the official Games Done Quick YouTube channel. Just click your way through.

The next big event will be AGDQ 2024, so you have a lot of time to rewatch all the awesome runs of SGDQ 2023. But don't worry, the GDQ Twitch channel isn't dead until 2024, there will be a ton of fun and entertaining streams showcasing the most impressive speedruns all year round.

Lukas Ballat

Lukas has been passionate about shooters his whole life and at EarlyGame he teaches you everything about CoD, while also taking care of campaigns and partner projects. He also plays Souls-likes and doesn't shy away from the Diablo-grind either....