This Streamer Played Zelda BOTW With An Ocarina And Beat A Lynel

Twitch Streamer gv_mimi has replaced her controller with an Ocarina and is still beating Zelda: Breath of the Wild like I never could.

Zelda BOTW Ocarina
Streamer played Breath of the Wild with an Ocarina | © Nintendo

Zelda: Breath of the Wild is overall not that hard of a game, if we compare it to Elden Ring or Dark Souls... But it also depends on the way that you're playing it. You can go hardcore with the master mode, speedrun it, or try individual challenges, the options are basically infinite.

Some fans really went crazy with their ideas and made up some pretty creative ways to play the game. But this Twitch streamer has topped everything, because she is beating Breath of the Wild only by playing the ocarina.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – Release Date, Story, Gameplay & More

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Streamer Played Breath of the Wild With An Ocarina

Twitch streamer gv_mimi has really impressed us with her latest Zelda challenge. Instead of using a regular Nintendo controller, she went above all imagination and played Breath of the Wild with an Ocarina.


It's hard to imagine, but by using a modded controller that transforms the chords she plays with the Ocarina, gv_mimi actually managed to not only beat Thunderblight Ganon, but also a Lynel.


Lynels are, as we all know, some of the scariest Breath of the Wild enemies. They are super hard to beat, but she managed to do it only by playing some tunes on her Ocarina, which is just insane. In the world of weird game playthroughs, we got to see some weird shit like someone beating Elden Ring bosses on a dance pad and so many other crazy ways to play a game, but this one is definitely a first.

Did you know, that the upcoming Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is already available to pre-orders? You can get it here on Amazon to ensure that the game gets to you on time when it's being released.

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Malena Rose

Malena is a game design student and writer at EarlyGame. Her life-long passion for videogames inspired her to make a living out of it. Through her studies in Game Design, she now plays an active role within the gaming industry....