In WoW Classic Hardcore, player characters die for all kinds of reasons – most of the time because they underestimate their opponents, and sometimes due to simple bad luck. But it doesn't get more frustrating than what recently happened to a level 50 undead mage in Tirisfal.

WoW Classic Hardcore is here, and it's basically WoW Classic with the one key difference that every character death is permanent. The constant fear of suddenly losing all your progress takes the whole World of Warcraft experience to a new level – and your frustration will reach a new level when it actually happens.
Especially if you are already in a high-level range (at least level 40, where you're finally able to get your mount), seeing your character dying in WoW Classic Hardcore can be extremely painful. And it has to be even more painful when your character's death is the result of very bad luck – as happened to WoW player Petri's level 50 undead mage.
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Petri's plan was to have his mage get attacked by four low-level mobs in Tirisfal (the undead starting zone) to easily and comfortably skill up his defense rating. In theory, this is quite a safe strategy – even when wearing only cloth armor, they'll only hit for a few HP, so if you're dropping to a certain amount of life you can just oneshot them, reg and then restart the progress.
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Everything worked as intended – but then, with only two skill points left to go, Petri's graphics card died. After several unsuccessful attempts to get back into the game, he switched to his wife's PC, just to be met with the biggest ingame-nightmare come true:
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Characters in WoW Classic Hardcore die for all kinds of reasons – but having your character killed by some starting zone mobs that are about 45 levels lower than you is still a rare exception.
On the other hand, we've already seen many crazy ingame-deaths so far – as you can see in the following video. In the end, stories like this show us why Hardcore servers have become so special.
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