Equipping new ammo in WoW Classic can be a bit tricky, in WotLK as well as on Classic Hardcore realms. We'll show you how to change your ammo in World of Warcraft to make use of your arrows or projectiles.

World of Warcraft has massively changed over the years. One of those changes is the way players have to care about their ammo – because they don't have to care about it anymore at all since it was patched out of WoW with Cataclysm. Since then, you can just shoot with your bow or with your gun as often as you want – at least in retail WoW.
When it comes to WoW Classic, things are different, though. In WoW WotLK Classic and WoW Classic Hardcore, you still have to keep an eye on having enough arrows or projectiles with you, as well as always buying the best ammo available for your level – if you don't, your DPS will drastically fall (especially if you're playing a hunter, since that class heavily relies on damage made with a bow or a gun).
Surprisingly, a lot of new WoW players often struggle with the task of having their char use the new ammo instead of the old ammo type. So here's a quick tutorial for how to properly equip ammo in World of Warcraft Classic.
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WoW Classic: How To Change The Ammo Type
Seeing you reading these lines, you will probably be facing exactly this challenge right now, so let's get to the point and help you out: Stop trying to move your new ammo to the ammo field in the character screen via drag and drop – that would have been our first guess as well, but it's a waste of time. Instead, just hover over the ammo you want your char to use in your inventory and then right-click. If you open your character window after that, the new ammo type should now be displayed next to your equipped weapon.

There is no reason to feel embarrassed regarding the simplicity of the solution – according to some forum threads this question has come up more than once, and we struggled to achieve this too, which actually led to the idea of creating this article. So now that you have your answer, have a happy day in the World of Warcraft.