WoW Shadowlands Necrolord Covenant Profile

Necrolords shadowlands
The Necrolord protect the Shadowlands (Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Are you playing WoW Shadowlands, the latest World of Warcraft expansion? Need help choosing your Covenant? Today, we will look at the Necrolord Covenant and help you consider what your starting Covenant should be. What Signature ability, dungeon bonuses, rewards, and other features appeal to you the most? Let’s take a look at everything the Necrolord has to offer.

WoW Shadowlands has four Covenants to choose from and each one comes with a list of unique rewards, abilities and even quests. You may only choose one to profess your loyalty to and changing Covenants comes with costs and in-game time gating. That means going back on your oath is not that simple. Will you make your choice based on class, rewards, or lore? The signature ability is the first thing you should consider when choosing your Covenant, as it gives you a unique ability your class might be lacking. Remember: you have to reach the max level in Shadowlands before you can choose.

The Necrolord's Signature Ability: Fleshcraft

Shadowlands fleshcraft
Channel the powers of the dead (Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment)
  • Form a shield of flesh and bone over 4 seconds that prevents damage equal to 20% of your maximum health.
  • Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield for up to 50% of your maximum health.
  • This channel is most effective against powerful enemies.
  • 10-yard range, 4 second channel.
  • 2-minute cooldown.

Truly a powerful tanking ability, as it interacts with your maximum HP. The ability to drain power from nearby corpses also makes it great for soloing content in the open world. Keep in mind that the 4-second channel time means it will be pretty hard to use during a boss fight.

Necrolord Dungeon Bonuses

If you choose Necrolord, you will have access to a special ability inside the dungeons of Theater of Pain and Plaguefall

Necrolord banner
The chosen of the Necrolord receive a powerful buff. (Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Inside the Theater of Pain, those who made a covenant with the Necrolord can click on a banner to receive the buff Necrolord's Command: All party members receive a 10% buff to movement speed and versatility. In the dungeon Plaguefall, the chosen may use their Fleshcraft ability on slime's corpse to receive one of three auras: Haste, Damage Reduction and Nature Attack. All three auras affect your whole party, but you can only have one aura active.

Necrolord Rewards

If you choose the Necrolord as your Covenant,expect to get a full transmog set and a matching mount as your main reward. There are 40 levels of renown to reach, which is earned through quests, and each level offers a new bonus or reward. Everything from toys, weapon illusions, and Soulbind upgrades is there for you to unlock.

Necrolords armor set
If you're into Black Metal, than these bone covered armors are right on point. (Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Necrolord Soulbinds

Pick between Plague Deviser Marileth, Emeni and Bonesmith Heirmir to be your Necrolord mentor to Soulbinds. Each mentor offers a different choice on how your class will be played in the Shadowlands. There is a very long list of Soulbinds that go along with each specific class and spec, so choose your Covenant carefully. Will you pick your Covenant for power in raids, open-world, or dungeons? The choice is yours to make.

If you care more about character power, we suggest you use this talent calculator that shows you the different Soulbinds for each spec and class. Here, you can find out exactly what the Necrolord has to offer your Survival Hunter or your Shadow Priest. Whatever class you play, we highly suggest considering the Soulbinds each Covenant has to offer. If the Necrolord is just too undead for you, maybe the aristocratic Venthyr is more to your liking.


Enjoy your time in the Shadowlands. EarlyGame will be back with the Night Fae Covenant in the next part of this Covenant profile series.

Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...