Genshin Impact 4.0: New Character Entrances Leaked

Over a month before the release of Genshin Impact's big 4.0 update, all new character entrance animations have been leaked.

The new character entrances for Genshin Impact's 4.0 update have been leaked | © Hoyoverse

In the next update 4.0 of Genshin Impact, the new nation Fontaine will be added. This means there will be new characters, areas, and quests to play with. But those are not the only differences this new version will have. Another one is that all characters are getting new entrance animations, when selected in the character menu. Exactly those have now leaked over a month before the release of 4.0.

All Currently Active Genshin Impact Codes | July 2023

Genshin Impact 4.0 will arrive on August 16, 2023.

Want to play Genius Invocation TCG in real life? Then pick up these Genshin dice, so you can challenge your friends!


New Character Entrances For Genshin Impact 4.0 Leaked

So with 4.0 Hoyoverse is giving every character a new entrance animation for when you select them. These are meant to show both the skills and the personality of the character, with all its quirks. They tell us quite a bit about them and honestly are just pretty to look at.

Now the character animations have looked and they look amazing:

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Especially the archons like Zhongli and Venti really shine in theirs and give us a glimpse of their power and personality. Besides them, in my personal opinion, Wanderer has a genius entrance by just straight flying in or Kokomi with her seemingly gliding across the screen.

This official Genshin Impact Klee mug is just too cute to say no to!

What is your favorite animation? With 4.0 and onwards, you will be able to enjoy both it and the brand-new nation Fontaine to your heart's delight.

Susanne Ehls

Susanne grew up in a gamer household, which made her fall in love with video games. She managed to turn her passion into her job, by working as an intern at EarlyGame and later being promoted to Junior Content Creator....