Genshin: Leaks Suggest Cloud Retainer To Be Great Anemo Support For Xiao

Some leakers have revealed what Cloud Retainers kit could look like and it seems like she will work great alongside our moody boy Xiao.

Xiao Lantern
Genshin Impact: some leaks suggest Cloud Retainer will be a huge help to Xiao. | © HoYoverse

There have been multiple leaks about the upcoming characters in Genshin Impact. One of the leaked characters finally coming to the game is going to be Cloud Retainer, whom many believe is going to be an anemo unit. But, she is also looking like a great support, if we can believe the rumors.

Her leaked kit looks to hold an insane synergy with Xiao, who seems to have fallen to the wayside compared to other damage dealers. Maybe Cloud Retainer can bring back Xiao supremacy to Genshin Impact?


Genshin Leaks: Cloud Retainer Will Buff Plunge Attacks

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Leaker Foul and Little_Teyvat have revealed that Cloud Retainer will be a very sought-after and useful character if you're a Xiao main. A bunch of leaks surrounding her kit have revealed that she will be able to buff plunging attacks, which means that she will work great alongside Xiao, who mainly does his damage by plunging.

Not only that, but she is also rumored to be an anemo unit, so she will be able to work as an anemo-battery for Xiao as well, so he can have his burst up as often as possible, so he can get to plunging more often as well.

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The leaks also suggest that she, like Xiao, will be able to use plunging attacks regularly. I'm not sure about you, but I would love to see the constant plunge-duo if my friends ever visit my world in co-op mode.

Cloud Retainer
I can't wait to have her in my team. | © HoYoverse

Cloud Retainer is rumored to release in Patch 4.4, which means we might not have to wait too much longer. Her release would coincide with the lantern rite, which is always the biggest event of the year in Genshin and with her being from Liyue it would make sense that she will be added then.

Hopefully the leaks are right, because her kit looks really fun and like she'll be a great anemo support. Who else would you want to see on her banner, since she is rumored to be a 5-star? I could see Faruzan on there for some more anemo supremacy.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....