Here are all the roster changes for the LCS 2024 split!

Another Season of getting kicked out of Worlds early! They did pretty decent in 2023 though, are we going to have another NA>EU incident?
Who will the new super team be? Who's going to flop? Any new insane rookies emerging?
We've got you covered with a one-scroll summary of all the roster changes right here!

Old | New | Contract expires |
Fudge | Fudge | 2026-11-17 |
Blaber | Blaber | 2026-11-17 |
EMENES | Jojopyun | 2025-11-18 |
Berserker | Berserker | 2025-11-18 |
Zven | Vulcan | 2026-11-17 |
Looks like the best Team in the LCS by far. Might even go for a good Worlds Placement this year.

Old | New | Contract expires |
Impact | Bwipo | 2025-11-18 |
Spica | Inspired | 2025-11-18 |
VicLa | Jensen | 2024-11-19 |
Prince | Massu | 2024-11-19 |
Vulcan | Busio | 2025-11-18 |
This Roster is filled with veterans of the scene and up-and-coming talent from the bot lane. Very excited what they can do.
Massu has been the best ADC in the challenger league and Busio also has a lot of potential.

Old | New | Contract expires |
Dhokla | Dhokla | 2025-11-18 |
Contractz | Contractz | 2024-11-19 |
Palafox | Palafox | 2024-11-19 |
FBI | FBI | 2024-11-19 |
Ignar | huhi | 2025-11-18 |
With NRG winning the LCS and making it the furthest at the world stage of any western team this year, I didn't really expect any changes. FBI is a player who is often critiqued, but his Worlds performance was outstanding. Instead they swapped out the support.
Golden Guardians - OUT OF THE LEAGUE

Old | New | Contract expires |
Licorice | - | 2024-11-18 |
River | - | 2024-11-18 |
Gori | - | 2024-11-18 |
Stixxay | - | 2024-11-18 |
huhi | - | 2024-11-18 |
LCS is decreasing to 8 teams, GG is out.
Evil Geniuses - OUT OF THE LEAGUE

Old | New | Contract expires |
Revenge | - | 2024-11-18 |
Armao | - | 2024-11-18 |
Jojopyun | - | 2023-11-20 |
Unforgiven | - | 2024-11-18 |
Eyla | - | 2023-11-20 |
LCS is decreasing to 8 teams, EG is out.
Team Liquid

Old | New | Contract expires |
Summit | Impact | 2025-11-18 |
Pyosik | UmTi | 2025-11-18 |
APA | APA | 2024-11-19 |
Yeon | Yeon | 2024-11-19 |
CoreJJ | CoreJJ | 2024-11-19 |
After Pyosik, it's turn for the next Korean jungler to join. Maybe Team Liquid want's to go for Team LCK2.0. If it didn't work with the last Koreans, maybe it will work with the next ones. There were some critics that blamed missing communication between the American mid laner and the rest of the Korean team, but it seems that TL wants to try it again.

Old | New | Contract expires |
Rich | Rich | 2025-11-18 |
Santorin | eXyu | 2024-11-19 |
Jensen | Dove | 2024-11-19 |
Tomo | Tomo | 2024-11-19 |
Poome | Isles | 2024-11-19 |
Jensen is out and Santorin retired. Rich is stayingand eXyu will be the new jungler. Nothing too special here.
Shopify Rebellion (former TSM)

Old | New | Contract expires |
Hauntzer | Fakegod | 2024-11-19 |
Bugi | Bugi / Tomio | 2024-11-19 |
Insanity | Insanity | 2024-11-19 |
WildTurtle | Bvoy/WildTurtle | 2024-11-19 |
Chime | Zeyzal | 2024-11-19 |
TSM doesn't exist in NA LCS anymore, but Shopify Rebellion is taking its place. The team now consists of the best working part of TSM, their Jungle / Mid duo and the members of Ex-Disguised / Ex-C9 Challenger. This roster consists mostly of rather inexperienced players or players, who want to prove themselves once again, after playing in academy.
In the case of NRG, this worked out really well, so let's see how it turns out for Shopify Rebellion.

Old | New | Contract expires |
Ssumday | Sniper | 2025-11-18 |
Closer | River | 2024-11-19 |
Quid | Quid | 2025-11-18 |
Doublelift | Meech | 2025-11-18 |
Busio | Eyla | 2025-11-18 |
Sniper is finally old enough, to be fielded in the LCS. As Closer didn't bring the results he once did, he'll get replaced with something we didn't expect: Apparently, River steps in for Closer.

Old | New | Contract expires |
Solo | Castle | 2025-11-18 |
Kenvi | Armao | 2025-11-18 |
Bolulu | Mask | 2025-11-18 |
Tactical | Tactical | 2025-11-18 |
Treatz | Olleh | 2025-11-18 |
Not really even a contender for the LCS, but who knows, maybe Tactical and Olleh cook something up.
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