Shyvana is going to be getting a Visual and Gameplay Update in 2025, which is something the fans have been asking for, for the last few years. But there is another champion who has lost just as many VGU polls as her.

Shyvana is getting her well-deserved Visual and Gameplay Update (VGU) in 2025. Another mystery champion is also getting their visuals adjusted to align with those from the hit Netflix series Arcane as well in 2024 and Skarner's release date is inching closer as well.
On the League of Legends subreddit the community has banded together to ask for another champion's VGU to become a reality. Who might also deserve a VGU? Well, none other than Nocturne of course.
LoL Players Hope Nocturne Also Receives VGU In Future
Throughout the last few years, Riot has held multiple votes for VGU's for certain champions. Shyvana was always second-place, no matter which champions she was up against, but there was one more champion in all those polls who ended up getting the short end of the stick, and that was none other than Nocturne.
Nocturne was released in League of Legends on March 15, 2011. As a champion, he brought a unique and terrifying presence to the game, quickly becoming known for his distinctive playstyle and his ability to drastically impact the map with his ultimate ability.
A Reddit user has listed out the exact polls and the percentages and while Nocturne didn't finish off as high on the votes as Shyvana it is important to note that he, alongside the dragon champion, were the only champions present on every single VGU poll.
Some Players Believe Nocturne Does Not Need VGU But A Visual Update
Now that Shyvana is out of the way... or well, on her way, we should talk about the other champion that lost all VGU polls: Nocturne by u/Macaulyn in leagueoflegends
While some parts of Nocturne's kit still translate well into the current League of Legends roster, he is also lacking in a lot of places. Yes, his ultimate is scary and his kit is alright overall, but the community does believe that Nocturne needs to have his passive looked over once more.
Not only that, but his visuals are the biggest issue with the champion, but they make any skins also look terrible, which is why a huge chunk of the community thinks that the champion should just get an ASU and a mid-scope update, rather than a full on VGU.
One thing is for sure though, Nocturne does deserve some update in the coming months, with how old the champion is and how few updates he's gotten. Which other champions are in dire need of reworks from Riot?