The Best Detective Game You've Never Heard Of Is Getting A Sequel Next Year

The third entry in the Detective Grimoire series, The Mermaid's Tongue, is coming in 2024, and there's already a playable demo!

The Mermaid's Tongue announcement
The new Detective Grimoire game teases a new setting that is just as, if not even more bizarre than the last. | © SFB Games

I'll admit, I have a bit of a soft spot for the Detective Grimoire games. The first game wasn't much to write home about yet, but the second, Tangle Tower, was a delightful and criminally underrated mix of Sherlock Holmes and Professor Layton.

In it, you get to point-and-click your way through a mystery mansion, solve puzzles to uncover its secrets, compare witness statements and finger one of its quirky inhabitants as the true culprit behind a seemingly impossible murder.


It was a bit of a hidden gem at the time, so I'd kind of given up on ever seeing another entry in the series, but I'm happy to be proven wrong! A teaser trailer for the next game in the series, The Mermaid's Tongue, was revealed during the Day of the Devs event on December 6:

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A Subaquatic Stabbing Case

The Mermaid's Tongue crime scene screenshot
There's a lot to unpack with this crime scene already! | © SFB Games

Moving on from spooky swamps and tangled towers, detective duo Grimoire and Sally's next case has them investigate a locked-room murder mystery in the depths of a massive and massively strange submarine. Both the corpse and the client are nowhere to be found, and the supposed scene of the crime gives them more questions than answers!


If you'd like to take a look around the crime scene yourself, there's already a demo of the game available on Steam! And don't worry if you've never played either of the previous games before: Tangle Tower worked as a completely standalone experience, and this new game seems to be no different. There's a reason Detective Grimoire's name isn't in the title anymore, after all.

The demo shows that The Mermaid's Tongue has a similarly excellent art direction, voiceover and soundtrack as Tangle Tower, so I already have high hopes for this game! That said, "2024" is a pretty broad time frame. For now, we'll just have to patiently wait for new information.

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Leonhard Kuehnel

When Leo isn’t busy playing the best videogame you’ve never heard of, he uses his knowledge to report on the latest news in the gaming industry. Never ask him how long his backlog is, though, you won’t like the answer....